I’m Tony Sinclair, ready to Tanqueray?

I wish I was better at organizing my thoughts better when stuff comes into my head. I think of things all the time that I would like to write about on here but never have the time or inclination when inspiration hits. Eventually it gets to the point where I do have the time but I’ve forgotten all the choice stuff that I have been thinking about all week and end up writing drek. Maybe I will try throwing up short posts whenever I come across something that I would like to make some commentary on and then every once and a while do my usual two thousand word dissertations.

I’ve added a little section there on the sidebar titled “Hmmm… Interesting” in case you didn’t notice which I’m sure you didn’t. Basically it’s just a list of live feed articles on Google Reader that I thought were worth sharing for whatever reason. I pretty much don’t go to all the different websites anymore like I used to. I subscribe to them all now using rss feeds and when something new gets posted it shows up in Reader shortly thereafter whether it’s my Mom’s newest post about how her teeth hurt, the most recent article about how the Huskers suck, or the newest stupid LOLcat. Right now I’m subscribed to 124 different websites and have over 1000 unread articles to look at which helps pass the time while I wait for the next unintelligible middle eastern fellow to call at 3:30 am wanting to talk to someone that isn’t here.

I am all entered in the Governors Cup 5k on the 21st. I’m just as unprepared as I was for the team triathlon. I suppose I better get on that huh? It’s hard to consistently get back in the gym when you aren’t forced to for whatever reason. A lot of it has to do with me since I am the biggest procrastinator that ever lived in just about everything that I do. If there’s something that would be nice to do and needs to get done eventually but not right now… well then it doesn’t get done. That is one of the major things that is wrong with my life and the biggest reason that I am not truly happy. Some things I am great at and completely anal about such as keeping track of my finances down to the penny and a lot of the things I do at work. Everything else, not so much. I’m working on a plan on getting a lot of my shit together since I read that forcing yourself to do something for 30 days straight makes it into a habit and then there’s no problem afterward doing it. The problem is I have been procrastinating on my anti-procrastination plan so it’s kind of a Catch-22.

Speaking of work I got my eval the other day and again it was pretty good. Hopefully I will get a nice raise out of it but who knows since I’m never here when our manager is so she can tell me. I’ll find out what it is on my next check I guess. As usual I need to work on my people skills since I don’t always deal with people in the best way. That makes it good then that I answer the phones for the entire company including 20 satellite shops every other week and work the front desk to deal with all the customers huh? I also need to take some classes that have made up names like “emergentics” to find out what personality type I have, read books about happy fishmongers in San Fransisco, and find out the question behind the question. I absolutely dread crap like this and I totally think that it was all invented by guys who were tired of working in a cubicle and came up with clever buzzwords and slick programs to sell to corporations in order to make themselves rich even though they know that it’s all bullshit. I should do a marathon run of all these classes that they offer so I never have to be bothered by it again. Plus it will seriously piss Chuck off when he gets his next eval with all 2’s even though he does a good job and gets told why don’t you be more like Steve and take some more classes? HA! Now that’s entertainment!

I got my iPod in last week. The first few days I had a lot of problems with syncing it to the computer and had to install iTunes and still had problems. I was about to throw it through the god damn window until I figured out that the problem was that it was not liking the usb port that it was plugged into for some reason (most likely because my computer hasn’t had a fresh install of Windows for like 9 months now and it’s acting kind of funky sometimes). After I got that all sorted out and got everything all set up the way I want it it’s pretty nice. I leave it sitting in the dock by the stereo to charge and listen to it through that for the most part. The podcasts of Coast to Coast AM are a lot better to listen to through the stereo as well as listening to my favorite music that won’t repeat a song for at least 11 days with no commercials. I picked up the FM tuner for it since I like to listen to the radio every once and a while (this should have been built into it like the Zune and a lot of other players) and also a arm holder to strap it to my arm while working out and biking. I’m trying not to spend any more money on it but it’s tough. Companies nowadays want to nickel and dime every cent they can get out of you instead of just including what’s needed to make something truly useful right from the start. The thing also plays movies although it’s a pain in the ass to encode them from a DVD into the right format and watching on that tiny screen is less than satisfying. They do look surprisingly good when you output the video using the AV cable (sold separately) to something as big as a 42 inch TV. I suppose it would be useful for that to kill time if you don’t have anything else to watch and have a TV close by. I did about 18 movies and loaded them on there before I got sick of doing it.

I have to expedite my moving process again. Kasey is kind of back and forth on when he wants to sell his house. First it’s ASAP then it’s not till winter is over then it’s a couple months and now it’s ASAP again. I was already trying to get in at Folsom Ridge but they only have limited apartments that allow dogs and there’s nothing in the immediate future. I guess it’s back to Ruskin Place which I didn’t really want because it’s kind of a shit hole but oh well. It’s not that much further away and it’s close to the YMCA so maybe I will get a membership there. I just need to make sure that I get an apartment that faces East or West so I can get some sunlight in the windows. I haven’t lived in a place where direct sunlight comes in the windows in 5 years now which is just weird. I’m used to smaller towns with large lots and windows on all sides of the house. Here the lots are much more narrow and the houses are like 15 feet apart so they just make those sides have no windows so you aren’t looking right in your neighbors bedrooms I guess. The bad thing is if your house faces north and south you get no sunlight. I don’t care for it at all, it makes the rooms feel so dreary all the time.

The winter beard is coming across quite nicely indeed. I don’t think anyone but me and Hoop are doing it like we talked about and Hoop and I both cheated and started a month early. At this point it is officially the longest I have let it go at about 5 and a half weeks and I have gotten past the really itchy stage but it is still very annoying. I have to comb it down now when I wake up because I have bed face and also have to do so throughout the day occasionally because it kind of wants to go all over the place. I really don’t know if I will make it until April 1st because quite frankly I will look like the unibomber and have birds and twigs in there by then it’ll be so out there. Here’s a couple current pics practicing my crazy mountain man face.


Kind of weak… Give me a couple months to work on it. I’m growing my hair out during this time for the first time since about 1991 so we will see how that goes as well.

4 thoughts on “I’m Tony Sinclair, ready to Tanqueray?”

  1. Holy beard! Quite impressive….at least you can grow one. Jason has difficulties growing any chin pubs so I give it to you there. I was a little scared when I first saw your picture though. I will have to agree with “Super” on this one….quite uni bomber looking.

  2. I’m glad that it’s looking very psychoish so far. I’m sure it will completely turn around my lack of dates and social life problem that I’ve been running into. Cause you know, chicks dig unkempt dirty looking guys that sit in their basement all the time.

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