Post to Post

Greetings All. It’s been a few days since I last wrote and left you hanging about my Old Lady Tests. Well, the tests were positive that indeed I am an Old Lady and further testing is needed, har har. I’m looking forward to the end of this month because the big questions about baby will be answered – Boy or Girl? Believe me when it comes to big news like that, there isn’t going to be any secret and I’ll shout it from the stirrups.

I’ve had a very full weekend. I got to spend lots of time with my hubby and we had visitors! My now official In-Laws came down to treat us to a great dinner in celebration. Passed on to us were some very special baby quilts that Cindy used for her boys and another very special one she had – with Holly Hobbies! I remember my sister and her little Holly Hobby dolls. They were made from fabric and had yellow yarn pigs tails. I love things with a history to them, makes me feel extra special to have them passed down to me. Grandma Cindy also provided her grandbaby the means of an awesome crib. I can’t wait to find out what Baby K is so I can move forward with the baby room.

Making a big breakfast this morning signaled the end of our great weekend because Steve has to work tonight. What the hell is the secret to making great hashbrowns? I take the potatoes and hand grade them. I squish as much liquid out as possible, cook them up, and they look nothing like the white fluffy hashbrowns you get even at a greasy spoon!

I’ve taken my FTM scenario and found a new way to not annoy my DH with baby stuff CWIM?
Yes, I’ve entered the world of an on-line pregnancy community. I’m getting the hang of it, but all the acronyms geez. And, shockingly enough the cattiness on-line within a woman’s pregnancy support group is crrrrrazy. Get a bunch of hormonal pregos talking deli meat and the cat hair flies! It is addictive and hysterical at times. Then there is some real heart breaking stuff too. It’s a great place to ask stupid questions and a great place to ask the most personal. The anonymity is liberating. I’m finding out the triggers for on-line drama which is endlessly entertaining. There was a heated one the other day about starting drama on the pregnancy boards and oh my the ladies were all fired up, fueling the drama about not starting drama and drama instigators. I decided to take part…all I said was, “I want ice cream.” and cracked myself up.

I’m looking forward to more nice weather and working outside on my garden. Right now its all over grown and needs a major re-haul. I’ve gone out and have pulled so much grass out of the beds that I’m not sure if I’ll be done before planting season. I imagine beautiful flower gardens with bunches of butterflies, a little Eden of sorts. We’ll see if I can follow through on this. Well, this post is all over the map. Have a good week everyone.

1 thought on “Post to Post”

  1. Jess, when you find out if it’s a boy or girl, I expect to be the 2nd or 3rd person you call…(Steve first, your mom & dad, and us)…THEN shout it to the world! I’m glad you enjoyed the older baby quilt. For the life of me I still can’t remember exactly where or when I got it, but I’ve had it for a long time. Hey I have an idea, e-mail a picture of it to my mom and ask her if she recognizes it, you never know. The other ones were just Steve’s third of the split between my 3 boys, I couldn’t remember anymore who’s were who’s.

    I want ice cream too, make mine chocolate. Oh by the way, I could give you the secret to greasy spoon hash browns, but then I’d have to kill you… lol Just kidding, if you want me to tell you how I make them, just ask.

    And where did Spring go? It’s winter again, or just feels like it. Mostly cloudy, cold windy…

    Good luck with your gardening! TTYL love ya bye

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