Pounds, Party and P-brain

Greetings all. Poor Steve and his sympathy pregnancy gain. But it’s more like I show him sympathy…and I’m pregnant. Haha. I suppose I should try to do better about healthy options in the house. Well, it isn’t that the healthy options aren’t in the house, it’s just he won’t eat them without force. It’s going to be a real challenge trying to make him and our boy eat their veggies!

I’d like to give a big thanks to my folks and everyone back home for really going above and beyond in helping with our party. I am always surprised by everyone’s helping hands. And we are going to need it! Already we have over 70 people confirmed attending! I can’t believe it! It is going to be such a crazy good time. Steve’s family and my family meeting for the first time, old friends, new friends, kids galore!!! If anyone has any yard game suggestions or something of that nature they want to bring please do. I have some Frisbee golf discs…but that’s about it, I suck at games. I also want to emphasize to bring camping chairs to lounge in or a blanket to stretch out on. We’ve got lots of picnic tables, but I like the lounging option, too.

We have the FINEST cooks making our grub! My cousin Tim, my dad and our family friend Roger are in charge of all the meats! My mom is wrangling everything else, with the help of her ladies! Steve and I have it pretty easy…so if the cake sucks, blame us. Bruce and Yvonne, the owners of the marina have been huge helps as well, plus they are cooking up breakfast the next day! Did I mention I’m excited?

We even have a rain plan and reserved an indoor place just incase…if you were wondering…

So, aside from that I’m getting geared up to going back to work full time. Ya, I have it rough huh. I have really enjoyed being able to be home this winter, especially with all the new things that come with carrying a child. I could sleep all I wanted and be relatively stress free as I go through all the changes that pregnancy brings. The last couple days I worked the most frustrating part has been my pregnancy brain. They say that memory can be affected when pregnant…THAT IS NO JOKE. It makes multitasking almost impossible and I do stupid things I’d never do usually. For instance…driving off with all my belongings still sitting next to the car because I forgot to put them into the car. Keep in mind I have about an hour commute each way. I only got a few miles down the road when I thought, where is my bag with my billfold? Good thing that thought crossed my mind.

Well, it looks like the sun might want to come out. I need to get outside and walk a bit. I generally try for 3 miles, let’s hope the rain holds off.

3 thoughts on “Pounds, Party and P-brain”

  1. Wow, looks like your family has all chipped in to make your party successful. Is there anything I can do to help too?

    Oh, and I should probably warn you that the “pregnancy brain” never goes away……………………………………………ummm……………………………what was I saying? lol

    See you soon…hug your husband for me, and the baby too! love ya bye

  2. Jessica Korgie

    All we need from you is to show up and to have a good time! The way my folks view this is they didn’t have to put on a full scale wedding (whew) so by god they’re throwing a party! It is so interesting to see how everything is falling into place. Except for the meats I think everything else we are ordering, so side dish cooking won’t be needed. Thank goodness for friends in the food biz. We have the table stuff, plates and napkins and stuff. Everything should be easy peasy. We are asking a lot from everyone just to make the trip!

    I hope to get some of my brain back! I’m just glad it is in my skull, otherwise I’d forget that too!

  3. Well then I guess you had better thank them for us in advance. If you change your mind and need anything, just let me know ok?

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