Powerpoint sucks.

I really hate Microsoft Powerpoint.  No one has ever enjoyed looking at a Powerpoint presentation no matter how many fade effects are in it.  I’m just saying that because I just finished the first day of Microbiology and it appears that the entire quarter will consist of the teacher sitting there facing away from the class reading word for word a powerpoint slide while we look at the exact same slide in paper form.  She reads it…  then waits in silence for the people who didn’t buy the printout of the slides to write it down… then goes to the next slide.  Way to take a potentially interesting subject and turn it into a meeting at work that you can’t stay awake in.  What ever happened to actually teaching something.  I find too many teachers are using it is a crutch so they don’t actually have to do anything.  So far the only good thing about that class is the 3 to 1 female to male ratio (I would assume most are nursing students), and the fact that im sitting next to a freakin model.  Hopefully the lab part of the class on Saturday will be better.
The astronomy class on the other hand should be pretty good.  He uses powerpoint some too but it’s a small part.  They have these things now that look like remote controls for your tv and he asks questions throughout class and you push the button for your answer and discuss what you think it is with the people around you.  He also showed a video and did some other things to get the class more involved.  Tomorrow we are going to meet at the planetaruim on the Weslyan campus.  Not bad so far.

There isn’t much going on with me besides that and work.  I am renewing my Y membership and Jordan from work and I are going to start working out.  Well not so much working out this quarter since he goes to school too and he is busy with an internship this quarter.  We will be playing basketball on Sundays though.  Going to try and get a weekly thing going.  We played last Sunday at Sports Courts and man am I out of shape.  I’ve still got some of my ability, I just wear out too quick.  I got smoked 21-12 in the one on one game we played, 1 point for a normal shot, 2 for a 3 pointer.  It’s not as bad as it sounds, I was up 5-1 at first and then got tired and he just went out and kept making 3 point shots.  I wasted a lot of my shots going for threes and missing (trying to catch up) instead of just taking my normal shots which were going in.  I still beat him in round the world and 1 of the 2 games of horse.

Link of the day:  List of neologisms on the Simpsons.

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