Problems, problems, problems…

Doesn’t it seem like life gives you more times with problems than it does without them? It seems like it never ends you know. Little thing after little thing to take care of. Tonight it was the basement flooding from the water heater coming out of the pressure releif valve. It wouldn’t be so bad if there was a drain in the basement floor to drain the water away but this house is 110 years old and its just one of those half assed low celinged cellar type of things that was added on after the house was originally built. Luckily the whole basement didn’t flood a few inches deep because of a section of really old drain pipe that goes into the floor and has a cap on it rusted away a little and opened a small hole into to let the water exit. But not before the water made a trek through the rest of the basement and pooled in several places on the uneven floor before finally reaching the lowest point where the pipe was. What a mess. After trying various things to stop the water from going everywhere I ended up concocting a canal made of tin foil to route the water directly to the drain hole so I could get the rest of the basement dried out. This of course did not occour without escalated tenson and a fair amount of yelling between myself and Jessica. Hopefully she will be speaking to me again by tomorrow. Great way to end the day. No not really.

If only it was the end of the day for me. Normally this would be my weekend but a couple overnight shifts of overtime came up at the last minute so I took them. Not because I really want them but because I really need some cash because things are going to be very tight for me next month. Negative cash flow issue ya know. Not the best days to work overtime since Jessica’s parents will be visiting tomorrow but I’ll get up nice and early and enjoy the holidays. I can sleep when I’m dead. Jess is making genuine gumbo and I’m excited about that since I’ve never had it before. Getting the ingredients for it was kind of an ordeal, they don’t really stock things for Cajun dishes in Nebraska. I even had to order some of it online just to get it here on time since it wasn’t available anywhere around here. It should be good.

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