
I has it. *blows kiss to petite lap giraffe*

Anyone get that reference? Nobody? Sigh… Speaking of references I’m supposed to be working on a big group paper and I haven’t even started on it. I was supposed to have been working on it for the last oh, 6 weeks or so but I haven’t done a thing with it. I just don’t care. I don’t give a crap about graduating summa cum laude anymore, nobody cares about that anyway, at least not when it comes from a second rate state school. I’m just tired… mentally tired. I swear for years now I’ve been saying oh it will be better next year, just gotta do this or that and then I won’t have to do this any more and will have more money and time but next year never seems to come. What? That’s adulthood? Shoot.

I’m at work tonight, working a little overtime, so no date night this week unless we do it tomorrow and Jessica has found something for us to do. If I didn’t work tonight there were some tickets to Los Lonely Boys that nobody used so we could have gone to that. I vaguely remember that they had a song at one time, or something? I don’t remember for sure why they are semi-famous but I would have taken the free ticket.

Jessica’s parents brought a riding lawn mower up for us to use since our yard is pretty big and the landlord is pretty anal about the yard. It’s pretty nice and almost new looking when you clean it up, except for the fact that it… doesn’t start. I’ll add YET to that statement. It doesn’t start… yet. I tooled around with it trying to do some troubleshooting which was like watching a monkey f*** a football and didn’t really make much progress. I don’t really know anything about riding lawnmowers or small engines in general but it cranks and it has compression and spark and that’s 2 out of the 3 things needed to make an engine run, the third being fuel so I’m thinking it might have something do do with the carburetor because the plug doesn’t seem wet with fuel when I pulled it, I’ll have to confirm that again later though because I wasn’t specifically looking for fuel during that test, I was looking for spark. There’s an solenoid on the carburetor that might be bad or maybe one of the multitude of safety cutoff switches designed to keep you from jumping off and laying down in front of it is malfunctioning and keeping the motor from starting. I’ll figure it out eventually, after buying a bunch of unnecessary parts I’m sure. Thanks Steve and Julie, it will be quite handy once I get it running, Jessica might even mow once to help me out.

I’ve started a computer repair side business. I don’t really have time to do much with it right now but I’ll see if I can grow it little by little and maybe something will come of it down the road. Flatland Technologies is what I’m calling it. I’ve got a domain name for it, (nothing there yet though), and… I bought a hat, it’s just not a business if you don’t have a hat ya know, advertising and whatnot? I’ve still got a 34% profit margin so far, granted I’ve only done one job but I’m in the black right? The margin would have been a lot higher had I not ordered the hat, heh.

It was pretty hot today, why can’t Nebraska have a nice in between the extremes of freezing snowstorm and sweatbox? I feel sorry for Jessica, she is going to be the pregnantest (not a real word) during the hottest of the hot. It wasn’t even all that hot today and she was miserable. Hopefully her bosses will let her work inside for a good chunk of it instead of making her do stuff like stand by a fire all day doing demonstrations of candle making when she’s 8 and a half months pregnant.

Speaking of the kid… it’s a boy! Jessica already announced that but I haven’t posted since we found out. The kid is looking good, no problems and is big. We are working on what we are going to name him, all the good family names are taken a couple times over so a lot of those are out. I’ve always wanted a Junior (so I could be Senior) so right now it’s leaning towards Steven {middlename} Korgie Jr. and then going by the middle name to avoid confusion during day to day family life. That’s not set in stone though, it’s really more of a machismo thing of passing your name on to the next generation. There’s still plenty of time to think about it so we may go in a completely different direction.

The wedding party/baby celebration will be on June 25th, in… the afternoon? Somewhere at Harlan County Reservoir? Ok I don’t have the exact details just yet, Jessica knows them but I’m oblivious. Invites will be going out soon, but if you want to come everyone is welcome. I’m sure some people will accidentally get missed because sending out invites through the mail is a real pain in the ass. I think I’m going to do a facebook event thing as well for the people who live solely on the net or for who we screwed up the address for. It’s not going to be formal or anything, just a fun outdoor party with some food, hell you don’t even have to hang out with us if you don’t want to, go enjoy the second largest lake in Nebraska or camp or whatever. More details will be coming ASAP.

1 thought on “Procrastination.”

  1. Love reading these..Look forward to meeting you and the new baby! Good luck with the repair..AND tending to Jess! Although of course it’s a blessing and cherished and all that.. IT’s UNCOMFORTABLE! Haha! -Sam ;-)

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