Pushing the 30’s boundary

Greetings All. Steve has done well at writing some stuff on this blog. Me, not so much. I’ve thought about it of course, but I suppose I’m going through this phase of who really gives a shit. (Yes, I already know what you will say to this my family…you are the only ones that comment anyway…so no need to glad hand) No, I’m not depressed. Maybe it’s just this whole process of adulthood and pushing the boundary of the 30’s that’s got me thinking. 39 in a month, time for some reflection I guess.

When I was younger and in the height of my irresponsible, suedo-spontaneous, emotionally explosive (with shrapnel) self…basically 21. I thought by the time I turned forty, I would have a party. A party in which I’d invite every single person who made an impact on my life whether it be positive or negative. I still would love to have a party like that. I’d call it the Bygone Birthday Bash. And the guest list would be most impressive…

A partial list:

If you played Dukes of Hazzard with me and always made me play Luke Duke to my disgust, you’re on the list. If you educated me that a “period” isn’t at the end of a sentence…you’re on the list. If you know what flying bars are and spun a turn with me…you’re on the list. If you attended my 13th birthday dance…list. If you fished with my dad and me, if you hung out at the Navy Base and attended my folk’s Husker Parties…you’re on the list. If we rode the Zipper at the county fair…list. If you owned or rode in a Camaro with me and listened to MC Hammer…your on the list. If Pizza Hut parking lot means anything to you…your on the list. If you were involved in fostering my public speaking ability…you are on the list. If you know where the end of the seven hills are…you are on the list. If you made me a mixed tape, list. 409…list. If you liked artwork of flowers that look like vaginas, or if you like to sing the bandaid song in impeccable harmony…you are on the list. If I wrote you and made you read awful poetry…list. If you know what “I’m running faster than you” means…list. The OJ Bronco chase…list. If you ever heard Dumb…list. If a spectacularly large potted plant holds a memory for you…list. If I drug you to Nashville…list. Jeep 101…list. If Lake Sturgeon holds a connection…list. If you know where the BJ is…list. If you are or know the “uniform police”…list. If you’ve lobbied for chickens…list. And, if I’ve bore a child with you…you’re on the list, too.

What an outstanding party this would be.

I admit, I’ve blanked out a good portion of all the really crappy stuff I did in my younger years. Maybe that has happened in order to deal with what a flippant person I was. I’d like to have this Bygone Bash to celebrate the fact I do recognize this about myself and to say I’m sorry, and have a beer…to the majority of people I’ve ever came across. And even though, for the most part, I’m a pretty horrible friend…I still hold special places for a lot of people and they are locked in there forever.

So…2015 the big 40 will roll around. And I’ll probably do what I do for every birthday…work. But know, in my heart of hearts you are all there at my Bygone Birthday Bash in my head.

Not sure the next time I’ll write on this blog. All in all, the now-a-days are going quite swimmingly. Work is going well, the family is splendid and I even stepped out of my comfort zone and did a little acting gig for a fundraiser the other day in Omaha. This summer is going to go by fast, I can already feel September breathing down my back and when that happens my boy with be three…and he wants a strawberry cake. Not that anyone gives a shit.

6 thoughts on “Pushing the 30’s boundary”

  1. Of course you do! I would be disappointed if you didn’t comment. …now where is Kim?

  2. Didn’t know you had a blog (I’m terrible about reading them, but will do so now & then, especially when I know I’ll like the writing :)). You had me at “playing Luke Duke at my disgust” as Cindy Ocshner (sp?) always made me play Luke as we played Dukes of Hazzard while we were being babysat. I hated it too. Thanks for pulling out one of my buried memories!! Write on!

  3. Thanks Amy. April always got to be Daisy, I don’t think I’ll ever truly forgive her. I guess you and I are Luke buddies, ha.

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