
Well I’m working on getting back into school. I guess I am going to go into the academic transfer program. Since I was dumb and wasted time on getting in there and getting registered the winter term for that is all full. I will have to wait until the spring term to get in now and have a declared major so I can get the rest of my GI-Bill Money. I also got a letter today that I need to take “dummy algebra” before I do anything because of my low test scores in that area. I suppose I will go in and take that during the winter term out of my own pocket just to get it over with. Damn you math, damn you to hell. I have always hated math in all its forms but I suppose I need to go do it since it is an area in which I am sorely lacking.

I miss my washer and dryer badly. I am sick of looking for quarters to pump into the community machines here that don’t clean worth a crap and never get your clothes all the way dry.

Quicken tells me that I am taking in more money than I am sending out for the first time in a while. Nothing wrong with that. I don’t know if I am spending less or what. Doesn’t really seem like it. With all the extra money from the holiday pay I will be getting in the next month and a half I might have enough to dump everything I have into the last remaining credit card I have with a balance on it. I will then be debt free for the first time in 10 years. I doubt I will do that though. I might be debt free that way but I will run into serious cash flow issues and have no emergency money for when something big happens, which always does when I am taking in more money than I am putting out. Better to spread it out over a couple months I suppose just so I’m not rolling pennies so I can put gas in the truck because I’m completely out of cash until payday.

The bad thing about religeously doing your finances in Quicken for every penny that goes in and out is that it shows how much of your money goes into taxes. 24.99% of the money I have spent. I think I need to utilize some more government services or something because I’m not getting my money’s worth out of that. It’s all being spent by welfare moms and unemployed losers.

1 thought on “School.”

  1. Hey, since you have all that extra money right now…you can bring me a birthday present on Thanksgiving! (I need a nice new set of brushes for the studio LOL).

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