
Well I went in yesterday and got signed up for a class next quarter. Only one though. I was hoping to be going full time but I messed up and waited too long to put in the application and now I have to wait until the Spring quarter to go. I didn’t quite get the class that I wanted but then again it is just about impossible to do that when you aren’t a returning student. They got to register weeks ago and I had to wait. I wanted a Monday, Wednesday class at the college itself but they were all taken. I had to get a Monday, Wednesday, Friday class at Energy Square downtown instead. It is a little closer to home I guess but that positive is wiped out by the fact that I have to go in one more day a week and I have to pay for parking every time I go. Oh well.

I’ve been reading Sex, Lies & Politics by Larry Flynt. It’s an ok book. There’s a lot of interesting things in there. I think that it’s a little too far to the left for me though. In the past I have considered myself a middle of the road Republican but in the last couple of years my views have been changing more to the Democrat side. I now have a mix of both. I’m pro choice, pro death penality, pro euthanisa, against the war, for lower taxes and less government. I am extremely against entitlement programs like welfare, food stamps, and unemployment. I love the idea of private accounts for Social Security and couldn’t care less whether gay people get married. Let them be miserable like the rest of us when they get divorced. I do like the book because I actually feel like Flynt is telling the truth unlike the good moral people that we have as leadership in this country. I feel like the Bush’s are just out to make a buck for their oil buddies. Why are we in this war? Weapons of mass destruction? It didn’t seem to bother anyone when Saddam actually used them back in the day. To bring democracy? Who cares if Iraq has democracy? I don’t. There are tons of dictators all over the world and no one gives a damn about them. Look at all the dictators in Africa killing everyone in stupid wars. We dont go rushing in there to take over because there is no profit to be made. All they have are little skinny kids laying around half dead with flies sitting on their eyeballs, and you can’t put that in your gas tank. The world is going into the crapper.

1 thought on “School.”

  1. Wow! Talk about politically incorrect! I raised you right…those are most of the same views I have. I’m so PROUD!!! (LOL)

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