
…has started back up again and I am hating it with every fiber of my being. I honestly don’t know why I am going at this point. I know that it should help me at some time in the future but sometimes I just don’t see the point. When I got the associates degree I can honestly say that I saw absolutely no impact in my life whatsoever and I have the strong feeling that it will be the same way with the bachelors. I mean even when I do get it, what does it really mean? That I finally got the degree at 34 that numerous people have already gotten at 21 or 22? What am I going to do with this expensive piece of paper anyway? I think that’s one of the biggest things that I’ve been thinking about. I have no idea what I want to do with my life that really inspires me. You know that saying “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”? Sometimes I’m jealous of the people out there who know so clearly what they want to do do because I feel like every day of work is an eternity sometimes.

Enough of the pity party. I’ve got some January blahs I guess and am feeling a little unmotivated. I’ve got a week’s vacation starting this weekend so maybe that will help some.

2 thoughts on “School…”

  1. Sweet…Steve’s posting his misery again! I had been checking the website every couple of days during the hiatus for the “Today’s Thought”. It had become part of my daily surfing routine until my laptop crashed. After that the site was no longer bookmarked, and rather than go through the effort of trying to remember the address I just told myself that it had been abandoned. How happy I was to find new posts today!

    Thanks Steve. And if things start looking up, keep it to yourself…Think of your audience.

  2. Well Matt I’m glad that someone is still reading this. I lost most of my regulars after going on hiatus. I’ve got some good things going on in my life lately but for you I will try to keep it strictly confined to miserable subjects and bitching about mundane things.

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