Schoooools out for summer!

Well not summer. I get one whole week off before Employee Training and Development starts and boy I just can’t wait! That’s sarcasm because if it was up to me I would never attend another class in my entire life. Anyway, I think I will get a 100% in the Organizational Behavior class but I’m not completely sure yet since the teacher is pretty slow when it comes to grading stuff. I will get an A for sure no matter what and that’s all I really care about. I’m going to try and graduate Summa Cum Laude (which means a 3.9 – 4.0 GPA). I finished with a 3.5 from Southeast but I really didn’t apply myself on a lot of those classes and could have done better. The Southeast grades don’t matter now, they just show up as a transfer in the Peru St. transcripts. It’s good to have some goals to work towards and since I really don’t find school that difficult graduating with honors is as good a goal as any.

I’ve started my brand new from scratch training regime. Which means… well I haven’t actually designed the brand new from scratch regime yet, but I’m doing a lot of circuit training, cross training on the bike and ski machine and running faster during training which means at about 7:30 per mile for a mile at a time which is about as long as I can go at that speed without my heart coming out of my chest. A 7:30 per mile pace sounds like a good pace to shoot for for the shorter races for next year which will put me in the top 25-50% of most races which is a good goal for me after spending this year getting the miles in without really worrying about how fast I go. I still want to do the full Lincoln Marathon next year which still sounds kind of impossible. My friend Dave just finished in 22nd place in a 100 mile ultramarathon last weekend so maybe one fourth of that it isn’t as impossible as it seems in my mind. Maybe I should just quit being such a pussy and just do it huh? I’ve got a 5k Sunday afternoon, only a few more races this year before everything shuts down for the winter.

I’ve been looking for a new vehicle since I’m sick and tired of the S-10. It still runs every time I want it to but I’m getting tired of the gas guzzling, funny smell inside, no heat, no muffler, 1 out of 4 speakers working, burning oil, door wont close all the way, and latch broken. It’s time to see if I’ve repaired my credit enough to get a car loan for something nice. So far I’ve got my eye on a silver 06 Corolla. Of course as soon as I want to go get a loan the credit markets go to shit and the market goes in the dumper wiping out 40% of my investments that I was planning to sell for some cash to get this new vehicle. Oh well, my credit score is currently 708, not perfect but it should be enough to get me a loan even though I’ve still got the foreclosure on my credit report. The last time I tried to get a car loan was in 2002ish and the lady actually laughed at me before I was denied. I believe my credit score was in the low 500’s at the time. At least with a good car I can go take some trips someplace else other than Lincoln which I haven’t been able to do in a long time.

I’m not up to anything tonight, doing a couple loads of laundry, the dishes, and cleaning up the place a bit and listening to my backlog of Unsportsmanlike Conduct radio podcasts from almost 3 weeks ago. Tomorrow after the game I’m going to see Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist with a certain lovely lady then going with her to some sort of dinner party with a bunch of legal types where they will be showing art? I’m really not sure what to expect there. The art looked pretty good though from the little I have seen in pictures. I’m just going to fake it and say some legalese Latin sounding words so I fit in. You know… habeas corpus, persona non grata, in loco parentis, ex post facto, corpus christi…. things like that. No problem, I’ll fit in just fine!

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