Seis de Mayo!

I really need to get with the times. I had absolutely no idea that yesterday was Cinco de Mayo. I was wondering why there was no parking places downtown after I got off work at 10 and went out to meet up with Jason and Aimee since they were in town for… something. So anyway I was confused at first as to why there were people wearing sombreros and matador outfits. Duh. Had a few drinks and got drunk quickly since I had eaten nothing all day and not had a drink in months with people that I have met before but don’t really know all that well. I was somewhat in the mood to work the chicks. Was talking to some and told them my name was “Chad” etc. etc. Honestly at this point I have go people skills or game whatsoever. It’s kind of pathetic. Well not kind of, it is pathetic. I can be pretty smooth at first which degenerates after a few more drinks into “I like your boobs!” because I get tired of the bullshit. It was an ok time I suppose except for the fact that I couldn’t sleep afterward and got hung over. Honestly at this point in my life I get no joy from drinking and it’s a 10 to 1 ratio of feeling like dogshit for the amount off time that it’s fun. Heard some good news though but I don’t think it’s my place to write about it on the internet at this point. It’s not really my place.

I wish I was a little bit further along in my savings for a house. My plan is just to get a little place and pay cash for it so I don’t have to go through all the crap I did last time with a mortgage. I like to look through the home listings for the foreclosures and every once and a while I see a gem like this one.


Not a bad place. By the current owner it looks like a foreclosure and they only want $36,000 for it. It’s a 2 bedroom one bath on the South side with a fenced in backyard. I checked the neighborhood online for the crime in the area and there isn’t much other than the stuff that happens at Lincoln Southeast which is fights and kids with drugs etc. I’m sure it’s a fixer upper and it isn’t all perfect inside but as long as someone hasn’t gone in and ripped out all the copper to sell for scrap and it has heat and most of the stuff is in adequate working condition it would be worth it to buy it and fix it up over a few years while you lived there since comparable houses in the neighborhood are selling for more than $80,000. Of course I don’t have enough money at this point and my credit is still shit until mid 2012 so I can’t really get a loan even though I have enough for a down payment.

Today they had the Lincoln marathon. Kasey’s girlfriend Shannon ran it and finished a couple hours after the winner and to get an IV afterwards which I guess they messed up and her hand ballooned up. At least she finished, that is quite an accomplishment in itself. Maybe next year I will try the half marathon so I can get bloody nipples from my shirt rubbing on them. Mmmmmmmm… bloody nipples…..

I haven’t really been doing my daily exercising the last couple of days. Mostly because it’s been raining and just won’t stop. Every day I check the weather and it seems like the same storm from yesterday. Bleh.

Let’s see, what else? Can’t forget to wish Matt good luck in his new job in Wichita working for Cessna. I totally forgot to get him an train engineer hat before he left too. I always liked Matt’s mean sense of humor which is similar to my own. Now he will be replaced by some douchebag along with the other new douchebags they are hiring. That’s the way it always goes though. You get a 3 to 1 ratio of cool people to asswipes who leave to go someplace else no matter where you work and they get replaced by a 1 to 3 ratio of cool people to asswipes. At least I’m not one of the newest guys anymore like I was for 2 years.

Sure is a lot of “ratios” in this post.

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