She’s a STAR!

Congratulations to Jessica, she won a STAR award at her job for the work on her big Web Ranger project that she has been freaking out about and working on during all her work hours and doing for free during a good chunk of her off hours most of the time as well. What does STAR stand for? Umm… some kind of government acronym… Super Tapedeck Astro Rocker? Strangling Transients At Random? I don’t remember what it was other than the acronym’s letters didn’t match up with the word star. Anyway she got a $1000 bonus for getting the award and has gotten some really good feedback on the whole project from some heavy hitters in the main office. I’m really glad the whole thing is starting to come together and they think that she did a good job on it. It’s a far cry from the beginning when she was way over her head and was kind of lost and was on the verge of bursting into tears on a daily basis. I wanted to help her but I couldn’t do much. I ended up buying her a 1000 page book on the software she was using to help her get it to work and lending myself for some voiceover work. “DID YOU SAY FREE LAND?” She’s well trained in video production but didn’t know much about developing stuff for the web when she got into it. I knew it would work out for the best and she wouldn’t fail and I’m very proud of her.

Got another eval at work, again it was good, again no raise… at least the company has been profitable again for a few months straight and they are talking about how they are going to implement giving raises again. We might even get a few bucks in profit sharing pretty soon. At any rate it will be many years just to get back to what I was making before the economy went into the ditch, if I’m even working here that long. This is a good job but there is definitely no advancement, I’ve been working here for 5 and a half years and there are only 5 people newer than me in our department and the same people that interviewed me are still my bosses. That’s a downside I guess of working at a decent place, there aren’t very many people that get pissed off and quit and everyone stays until they die.

How many years old do I have to be before I stop getting teenage acne? I’m 33 years old and my forehead is all broken out again and it’s pissing me off. Damn my perpetually bad skin! I suppose I should do a better job of putting the stuff on there to make it go away and not popping the zits that I do get so they get all gross. At least it isn’t as bad as when I was a teenager. I’m going to be bald, fat, and gray haired and still have a stupid ass zit on my forehead.

I’m working on plowing through a 100 pages of jibberish and mathematician speak in this damn Investments class. This is week 5 out of 8 and I can virtually guarantee that when it is all over I will know no more about investments than when I started other than just to buy index funds, the damn material is so dry and from what I can tell the class is down to 7 students including myself from the attrition. The next class that I have after this in the second half of the semester will be no better I’m sure. Supervisory Skills and Practices, sounds like a blast. At least it will knock out one of the required classes to get my degree. I’ll have to see if I can find an elective that’s a little more fun for next semester, maybe physics. I had an old introductory physics college textbook from someplace that I found to be extremely interesting. Better get back at it, I’m using the timer method to avoid procrastination, set a timer for 15 minutes of hard studying, then 15 minutes of whatever, then back at the studying for another 15, and so on and so forth until it’s done. Works pretty well.

3 thoughts on “She’s a STAR!”

  1. Hey, are you having any trouble logging on to facebook today? Oh that’s right, you don’t check it every day anymore. ok, well I posted something on my website today after…6 months?…

  2. I log in every couple days or so, just a quick glance. Nothing like it was before when I would look at it for hours clicking on random stuff until there was nothing more to see, closing it, then opening it back up an hour later. It serves it’s purpose now I guess when I use it to syndicate when I update my blog.

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