
See that nice silvery stuff on the towel? It’s metal shavings from the oil filter. Looks like that motor is shot. I wasn’t able to get it to charge so I opened up the alternator and all the stuff that used to be oil poured out. Looks more like muddy water than oil. Hmm, I don’t think there is supposed to be engine oil in with the alternator. Something inside broke. Amazing that it still will run though. Looks like I will have to do a motor swap. Good thing I have that extra parts bike or this project would dead in the water before it even got started. Maybe I’ll do that next weekend. I need to do some laundry and clean. Plus I stink like grease.

4 thoughts on “Shit…”

  1. No, no, no. I always stink like poop. That’s what youre thinking of. Grease is an unusual aroma for me.

  2. Hell I dont know, I rarely talk to him when he’s sober. I get drunk messages all the time with him singing and stuff. He wrecked his motorcycle and he has some court crap he’s dealing with. I dont think he’s coming down this weekend. He has put it off about 4 times now because of different things. His court date got pushed back and he said he didnt know if he could come this weekend.

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