Shotgun Wedding???

Of course as most everyone now knows Jessica and I got married while we were in Las Vegas. She is also expecting a child which is wonderful news. Believe it or not we didn’t get married just because she was pregnant, although it did greatly accelerate the time frame that I was thinking of. I had decided to propose to her several months ago and was just looking for a good time to do it and I decided to do it on Christmas as my “gift” since we weren’t really doing much for gifts this year because of spending a bunch to go on the Vegas trip. She then decided to steal my thunder and have the big surprise of the day by telling me that she was pregnant an hour or so before I was going to propose. It was a great Christmas surprise for both of us since I didn’t think that we could have children and she thought I would drag my feet forever on getting married. After talking about it we decided that neither of us were interested in a big fancy wedding, it’s just not our style and we were already heading to the place to go if you are getting married so we said what the hell? The most important thing at this point was to get her on my insurance so she and the baby were properly taken care of so we basically eloped. We are really sorry to all the people that wanted to be there and couldn’t because of the extreme short notice. Please don’t take it as disrespect or that we didn’t want you to be there, it just kind of happened how it happened you know? My aunt and uncle Kim and Terry were able to make it because of the stroke of luck that they were making their way back to Oregon after a month long cross country road trip of their own and by pushing through they were able to arrive in town a couple hours before the ceremony and were able to attend and act as our witnesses along with our friends Ed and Shellie who we were going to Vegas with originally just for fun. We were very thankful that they were able to attend. We are going to have some kind of party later this year (May or Junish?) when it gets warmer at Harlan County Reservoir (Jessica’s parents live on the lake there). It’s kind of a drive but hopefully it will be a good time for anyone that want’s to attend (although I would understand if you didn’t because of the distance for some). I’m going to leave it here for now, I’m exhausted but have no time for rest because we have to have everything packed and ready to move by Wednesday, school starts back up on Monday, and I’m back to work on Monday. No rest for the wicked I guess. I just want everyone to know that Jessica and I are very happy, we definitely made the right choice because it just feels right you know? I will post more on the whole trip when I get a chance.

I got the pictures uploaded, I didn’t have time to retouch them or anything and I resized them down for web purposes so it is what it is for now. I separated it out into the wedding, Vegas, and Hoover Dam for easy viewing. I have video as well of the ceremony and other stuff and I will work on getting that up as time allows.

6 thoughts on “Shotgun Wedding???”

  1. Nice, nice pictures. You both look great and very happy. This is just great news and it’s made me smile all week!


  2. Steve I am a total believer that God has the big plan and we are lucky to follow it. We were very lucky to be there for the wedding, but I know we won’t be able to make it for the party, so it worked out for us! You & Jessica are such a perfect team together; I just can’t say that enough, and know you both have a very wonderful life ahead together. Enjoy the ride, appreciate all the ups and downs too, as that is what will make you grow stronger together, and be ther for each other.

  3. Congratulations! I would have loved being there and am looking forward to the party at Harlan County Reservoir (I have fond memories of the lake from my childhood). I am sure glad you guys found each other & am so happy for you!
    Love to you both,

  4. I loved looking at all the pictures…I really wish I could have been there! I’m so happy for you guys!

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