Snowmageddon 2009.

This winter storm needs to go away already. It’s just swirling over the top of us making everyone miserable. And to think a couple days ago I was saying how I was pretty disappointed in how little came of the whole thing with all the hoopla that was made of it. Weather forecasters cant predict their way out of a paper bag if you ask me. I don’t know why they go to school to learn the stuff, all they do is throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. Anyway I’m at work right now but there isn’t really much worthwhile that I can really do. The drifts are 7 feet high covering the entrances to the new hangar, 5 feet high out the front door to the ramp and everything out there is pretty much an impassable mess. I would go try and knock some of the drifts down away from the entrances but it will just fill back in before I even finish. There needs to be some substantial equipment in here to even make a dent in it along with the wind going down from it’s forty mph gusts. I ended up getting to work four and a half hours early tonight. I had to make a run for it while I still had light and the plow finally made a path by my house before it filled in again. That and the road that connects Hickman to the highway was drifting closed and if I was going to end up in the ditch or stuck then I wanted to do it before dark so I had a good chance of someone stopping to pick me up. Once I got to the highway it was just fine though. It still makes me ponder getting an old beater Jeep though. Someday.

Christmas was fine, I was off for a couple days which I normally am not because I traded with Ed so he could go see his sister. Christmas Eve Jessica made a big ass turkey and it was great and we just stayed inside and watched some movies. 2012 is the stupidest thing I have ever seen, well maybe not THE stupidest ever, but the stupidest thing recently anyway. We got up at about 3:30 am on Christmas morning and opened presents. Mostly because I woke up at 3:30 am. Nighttime sleeping and I don’t get along on my days off. It was fun having things to open that I don’t know what they already are. Getting cash is fun but there’s no surprise to it ya know?

Jessica got Brian some dog shoes because he’s such a pansy about cold weather that he would prefer to piss himself inside than go walk in the snow. They are pink dog shoes… I guess they were out of blue ones. I guess it’s the thought that counts but I don’t think he really likes wearing them. Worth a try I guess. We got a nice video of him wearing his new shoes which was so funny at the time that I was crying. We missed filming a lot of the time that he was just trying to walk in them and got a lot of him wigging out and trying to take them off.

Happy Holidays everyone.

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