So I got hit by a car today.

How’s that for something exciting to write about after a two week lull in posting? I was riding my bike up to the Pinnacle Bank on Hwy 2 and Old Cheney to pick up my packet for the Havelock 10k tomorrow morning and on the way there I got rolled by a car. I had the walk signal and the guy was going to turn. He started to pull out, looked right at me and then stopped. Usually this means they are waiting for me to go by. So I pull out to cross and as soon as I do they guy jams on the gas and I’m rolling over the hood and my bike is fucked up. Goddammit. I’m fine pretty much, my shoulder hurts a little and my bike is undrivable until I get a new rim for it and fix the front end.


4 thoughts on “So I got hit by a car today.”

  1. So, did you get the guy’s license number or any other information? Sounds like grounds for a nice lawsuit there. You say your shoulder hurts…did you go to the doctor? You should at least file a police report if you didn’t already. Hey, I hope that’s all that happened, just a sore shoulder… Too bad about your nice bike though. That guy should at least buy a new rim for it. Well, I hope you don’t get more sore tomorrow or the next day…that’s usually what happens after you get in an accident. Anyway, hope you feel better. Love ya, Mom

  2. Hope you called the police and had the accident recorded. He should buy you a new bike. If the guy was stopped he should be in the wrong, so hope you had it investigated. Take care and I’m with your mom, be sure to have it checked as you could have a cracked bone or something. Take care Love ya GMW

  3. Well, it’s been 6 days, are you still sore? I hope you’re still coming Saturday, and bringing the pup? OK, hope to see you then.

  4. No I’m not sore anymore. I was done being sore by Monday or Tuesday. I’m still coming, not sure if I’m bringing the dog though. I decide that when it’s time to leave.

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