So, when is baby due?

Greetings all. There is a lot of newbie-itis when it comes to being a first time prego. I should start a list of all the things I didn’t know…let alone never thought of before. First of all I was shocked that bra sizes went beyond the DD. I had no clue there is a hormone called relaxin that makes all your joints loose and your feet could go up a whole size. And that a full term pregnancy is actually 10 months! I can’t even begin to go into what I’ve been learning about post pregnancy, icky. I’ve signed Steve and I up for a childbirth class later this month. I didn’t want to go like five different days, so we are doing a mega class that lasts just one day…bing bang boom el-done-o. I imagine it can’t hurt, plus we’ll get a tour of the hospital where I plan on delivering, which is on the list of to-dos. Then I set up a meet and greet with a potential pediatrician. I feel like I’m on par with what we are to be doing in preparing for baby. There are still lots of things to do however like getting the nursery ready, stocking up on baby goods and a bazillion things that I haven’t thought of yet.

Oh, did I mention I lost out on a whole week of pregnancy? Ya, I know, another first. I had my monthly doctor’s appointment today. He went over some of the information that came out of my level 2 ultrasound I had at UNMC. Nonchalantly he goes,”….aaaaaand looks like they changed your due date.” I go, ” OH. god. They did?” He goes, “oh you didn’t know that?” He said they changed it to August 22, but he is still sticking with the 31st. What the heck does that mean? Nine days difference is, well, nine days difference! I realize that after 37 weeks your in an anything goes situation, but when I’m in my 35th week, could I really be in my 37th week? I had a feeling our boy is going to come early… The need to get things done is even more pressing. Time is slipping away!

5 thoughts on “So, when is baby due?”

  1. Cousin Carly

    Oh I learned at that class that the epidural needle is a 14 gage needle just like when you get your belly button pierced. Fun stuff.

  2. Jessica Korgie

    OMG. I had my ears pierced when I was a kid and THAT was too much for me. I seriously have been debating the epidural, because of the needle! The image of it scares the hell out of me! I imagine the pain of labor will trump the fear of the needle…won’t it?

  3. Yeah, the pain of labor DEFINATELY trumps fear of the needle…they say that you forget the pain of labor after a while, and that’s true…up to a point…you never completely forget it. I’m getting excited for my new grandson’s arrival, hopefully he will come early, but his daddy was due on Mothers Day and didn’t arrive until the 20th. Anyway, keep us posted, love ya, bye.

  4. For me, I was expecting the worse pain in my life, and after Lissy was born and the worse pain hadn’t come, I was happy to have prepared myself for the worse anyway. It is nothing to fear—we are women, and we are strong. (And you’ll be in a hospital surrounded by people giving you as much comfort as you can take!) I don’t remember a needle…I don’t remember that much of the delivery, not the pain.

    I hope your one big class isn’t too over-whelming. Coming from a big family and being the oldest girl, I can’t believe how little I knew when we got Lissy home, but we managed! Enjoy this new experience–there’s nothing in the world like it.
    Love ya both!!

  5. With Amy I only had a local deadening for the epidural,, & stitches,, got up off the delivery table and walked back to my room!!! How crazy is that!! That was when I was young and didn’t know any better,, No one told me I couldn’t!!!! You’ll do fine,, I have been with Samantha during her births,, filming, and it appears to me they keep you very comfortable!!!

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