
Well I joined a softball team. I haven’t played in like 4 years so I’m pretty rusty. Tonight was our first game (actually last week was our first game but it got rained out). We ended up winning 25-5. I did ok I guess. They have me playing first base, probably because I am tall and can reach all those wild throws all us “athletes” make. I did pretty good out there. Didn’t drop any catches. I didn’t do so well on the batting side though. I used to be able to hit the ball pretty well. I was up to bat 4 times and went 2 for 4. The first one I barely dinked it to the pitcher but I made it to base because they couldn’t make the catch at first. The second time I hit it on a string to the gap in left field, just like I used to. I thought “Well good, I haven’t lost it.” Well I lost it. The next 2 at bats I struck out. How the hell do you strike out in slow pitch softball? I wiffed it so bad it was ridiculous. I think it’s because my legs were jello by that time. I spent the whole day loading shirts onto the press doing the same motion 4,360 times and my legs were about jello by the end of the day anyway. I think that was the problem. I couldn’t get a good base to stand on. Or maybe I just hit like a girl…

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