Something new?

No not really, but it’s been a little while so I guess I better write something or people get worried and assume that I’ve gone missing in the woods and have frozen to death. Saturday was the Korgie family Christmas gathering in Columbus. We didn’t make it because of the weather. The people that were going were putting pictures of the white out roads onto Facebook. We just didn’t feel like being out in that for 4 or 5 hours round trip, for a couple hours of actual event. I suppose we could have gotten there but there were a bunch of others who didn’t make it as well so at least it wasn’t just us. Better safe than sorry I guess and I really didn’t feel like fighting a 50mph headwind with blowing snow in the dark anyway. We just went upstairs early and hid out in bed and stayed toasty instead. We have been pretty lucky in the winter weather department so far this year since that is the worst that it has been. Last year at this time there was snow on the ground for a couple months already. Still haven’t seen any of my family for any of the holidays this year but we are going to head up there on Christmas Day in the afternoon after I wake up.

I’ve got my final on Thursday. I just need to get a 72% on it to finish the class with an A so that should be easy enough I suppose. I really wish I didn’t have to drive all the way to campus to take it but oh well. After that I’ve got about 3 weeks or so off before the next class starts up again. In between now and then we’ve got to do all the holiday stuff, pack everything and move, and go on a trip to Vegas for a week. Kind if a nightmare actually. I still don’t know when exactly we are moving, so far the word is that the other people will be out by Christmas. I’ve finally gotten going on packing some stuff until I ran out of tape and boxes. I’m getting some more of that today so hopefully we make some real good progress on that in the next week or so and we can have it all ready in plenty of time. We also need to get some plans going for what we are going to do in Vegas. We are going to spring for one big show and we will probably go with the Cirque du Soleil KÀ show at the MGM Grand since we can get an ok price on it. That’s the one that I was interested in because they did a show about it on the Discovery channel and I thought it looked cool. Other than that who knows, Hoover Dam, maybe Criss Angel, anything that is cheap and/or free.

2 thoughts on “Something new?”

  1. What, no Blue Man Group or Wayne Newton? LOL Anyway, we’re looking forward to seeing you guys on Christmas! Love ya, Mom.

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