Something to think about.

Today I got an email from my uncle in Columbus.

Subject: Had a bad day, feeling sorry for yourself?

One of life’s little lessons…..

Leon Spinks, former heavyweight champion of the world.
Beat Mohamid Ali, greatest fighter there ever was, cleared
my trash at McDonalds this morning…

On the surface you might say wow, at least I don’t have it as bad as Leon. But in reality does Leon really have it that bad? I’ve never talked to the guy but from what I hear from people who have he is pretty messed up from his years as a boxer. He easily could be living off the government or mooching off of other people instead of working for a living but you know what? He’s not. He makes his living as a janitor working for the YMCA and McDonald’s in Columbus, Nebraska of all places. He has a girl that he loves and volunteers with children and doesn’t ask for help from anyone. He admits that his life could have turned out better but is content with the way it is now and doesn’t bitch about it or blame anyone but himself for how it turned out. In the end if you feel that way is that such terrible way to live your life?

Here’s a link to an article about him.

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