
You know what’s pissing me off? Hurting myself for no damn good reason. A while back I jumped in the pool and messed up my neck. Not some crazy backflip jump or anything, just a normal jump to get from point A (not water) to point B (water). Now I’m in agony because I threw my damn back out again yesterday. Did I do it lifting a car off a burning baby or possibly during my latest jaunt climbing Everest? Hell no. I threw it out carrying a load of laundry down the stairs and I missed a step. I can’t even walk down stairs without disabling myself. I seem to recall being able to do simple unathletic things without debilitating injury. Dammit. I still went and tried to do my long run later that night and ran the slowest I have ever run in my life which is really saying something because I didn’t know how I could get any slower than I already was. I’m seriously thinking of doing some yoga or whatever fruity ass thing happens to be the rage now. Hell some of those people can touch the back of their head to their ass and other crazy stuff. I don’t want to do anything like that, I just want to be able to play softball without throwing my shoulder out and not be in pain from this or that.

Being able to touch the back of my head to my ass would be awesome though… heh.

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