Soon, but not right away…

Greetings all. I had a very good appointment at the midwife place today. Steve came along because I was going to have an ultrasound to measure amniotic fluid around the baby. Turns out, this kid has plenty of fluid for him to move around and he’s measureing 9+ pounds…give or take a pound…holy shit, that’s a big baby. (I would like to take this parenthesized sentence and tell my cousins, both named Samantha, that told me about their 10 pound babies, that I think I might be in this club by the time Alexander arrives…and I think they wished it upon me…ha.)

Anyway, the midwife also got me all hooked up to do a Fetal Stress Test. It measures baby’s heart rate and movement and momma’s contractions. So baby passed with flying colors, he even kicked so hard he knocked the monitor off…good boy. And as far as I go, I’ve staved off induction yet again. My blood pressure was good and my protein level was low, so take that Pre-E! Here’s the part that gets me…I had contractions during this test, too…I didn’t feel a thing. They obviously aren’t the kind that makes you throw your bag in the car and head to the hospital…but none the less I was surprise and happy to know SOMETHING was happening.

I really like going to the midwives. I’m so happy I switched because Alexander would be here by now, via C-section, two weeks ago I’m sure and he might not have been ready to join us yet. I feel a certain calm and reassurance from my midwives. I’m confident, what ever way he does get on the outside now, he is going to be the better for it!

The midwife could see a bit of disbelief in me about the size of this kid and she said, “Well, what are you, of German/Swede decent?” and I was like, nail on the head lady, and then she said, “well they’re built to have big babies, that’s just the way it is.” Fears settled just like that.

On another baby note, we are so lucky to welcome the newest addition to the Korgie clan. Steve’s brother had his boy today. Both mom and baby are doing well from the sounds of it. She was in labor for 6 hours…then “welcome baby” at 6 plus pounds. No way no how will I even remotely daydream that my labor will go that quickly, 9+ pounds….nope, not gonna think about it…

2 thoughts on “Soon, but not right away…”

  1. Well, I’m sure everything will go alright for you too…even though X is a little bigger than Camryn. Steve was only 50 pounds (not really, but it felt like it!). So, if something was going on today when you had your checkup, it probably won’t be long till he’s ready to come into the world. Make sure you call us in plenty of time so we can be there (call the cell if no one picks up at home). OK, we’ll see you soon! Love ya!

  2. Sounds like baby he just very content where he is! Those are all great signs re: enough fluid, some contractions to get the cervix nice and softened, blood pressure etc back where it should be…I truly wish for you the beautiful experience that only giving birth with your loved one aside you can bring! I pray for you to both remain healthy and vibrant and that he has all my ruggedly handsome good looks! ;-) Sorry, I was getting to damn weepy…All my love, Sam

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