
Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I either don’t have a chance to do it or I don’t feel like doing it. The masses are getting restless. Matt even said “At least you could update your stupid blog, I read it to make myself feel better about my own life.” I like the way he gets right to the point ya know?

Anyway I will try and start where I left off when I last wrote and try to say anything of note. As of my last post I had just finished up with last quarters classes and was about to start vacation. I ended up getting two A’s and a B+ (missing the A in that class by less than a point) made the Dean’s list, big deal.. that and a million dollars and I will be a millionare.

About the time of my last post I bought a new TV, a 42 inch plasma from Wal-Mart for about $1150. It’s pretty nice but right after I bought it I found out I could have bought my uncle’s old big screen for like $500. Life sucks sometimes. I was also going to go out and get a whole new furniture set while I was on vacation and I was going to pimp out my room. I went to a bunch of different places and there was nothing out there that was what I was looking for for less than $2500. Well needless to say I didn’t want to spend that much money so I ended up just getting a clearance recliner for $245 that was originally $400. I don’t need a bunch of furniture anyway, no one ever comes down here but me and the dog anyway.

On Saturday the 23rd I went up to Omaha to the casino to celebrate my dad’s birthday. That was also the day of the airshow which I wanted nothing to do with after having to work them all the time when I was in the Air Force. That kind of ruined it for me. I even gambled a little while I was there which if you know me was unusual. $20 bucks on black…. spinnnnnn… red. Goddammit. Put in another 15 or so on slots and lost everything quick so I just worked on getting drunk the rest of the night. I had a better chance of winning by going into the bathroom and throwing my money into the toilet and hitting the handle. Hell I might have even kept my money longer that way. Anyway the casino was sort of fun for the most part except I didn’t like how the casino people were treating me. It happens a lot of the time, since I look so young I got treated with no respect. It’s an ongoing problem that I have in my life and it gets on my nerves. Anyway I was out doing the casino thing till like 4:30 in the morning or so with dad until he finally ran out of money and then I came home, hitting the sack about 5 minutes before I heard Kasey get up and go to work. At least I got to watch the game there since it was on pay per view.

Thursday the 28th I went to the get together work was having for the people that went and did the Special Olympics. The only thing that made me show up was the fact that it had an open bar and free food. I got really really drunk off of free Long Islands and went 4-2 in pool. The 2 losses coming when I couldn’t see anymore. I really didn’t know most of the people there and really didn’t want to hang out with them. Mostly bigwigs or lame people. Chuck and Troy came so that wasn’t so bad.

The rest of my vacation was quite uneventful to say the least. I wish I wouldn’t have used my time at all now since I got back to work and didn’t feel rested at all. I was still wound up as tight as I was before. I really didn’t do any of the things that I wanted to do. Mostly because my mood is in the downward part of the curve again, as it is most of the time. Basically massive depression that I really need to take something for but never get around to doing because making an appointment for a doctor is just another thing on the list of things to do that I don’t do because busy I’m sitting in the dark surrounded by empty pop cans and fast food wrappers. Ironic yes? No that’s not ironic. Ironic is a traffic jam when you’re already late, a no-smoking sign on your cigarette break, it’s like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife. All that stuff is ironic. Well according to Alanis Morissette anyway. My situation is not ironic at all. It’s more… umm… hell I don’t know. It’s just a situation that I need to get off my ass and fix is what it is. I tried to force myself to go out to the bar with Kasey and Gabe to try and break it but it was literally like I was in a haze. I couldn’t have been more miserable and left pretty early. More and more of the time I feel like this and something needs to be done. It’s been like this for a while with the low points bottoming out around my birthday and Christmas and a few high points inbetween where I am invincible and get a lot of things accomplished. The high points are few and far between lately.

Had my eval for work on Monday and did well on it. I could do a lot better if my head was screwed on straight but it was still pretty good. Dave said I should get a raise from it and in a couple months he’s going to put me in for Line Service Rep II which will give me another raise. Rep II is where most of the guys sit and stay unless you make team leader or some other job like trainer or something. It’s pretty logjammed there when it comes to advancement unlike most line departments where I could be a team leader already because there’s so much turnover.

I lost the dog again the other day. The kid that mows the lawn left the gate open and I was out walking the streets looking for him for about an hour until someone found him and called me. He was almost a mile away across a couple busy streets and she said he was just sitting in her yard looking confused and not knowing where to go. Usually when he escapes he doesn’t make it that far becasue he stops when he finds another dog to bother. Quite the treck this time. I’m going to need to update his tag with my new address since this is the second time he’s gotten out since I moved back here. Here’s a fun fact. Most Jack Russell’s don’t live to die of old age. Most are killed either by cars or by other larger animals. He’s right on track for that I suppose. He’s 7 years old now and there’s probably another 7 years in him so we will see if he can beat the odds and not get himself killed prematurely.

School is back in session. It still sucks. My grand plan of working ahead lasted the whole length of one day before I didn’t feel like doing it anymore and I am back to doing it day by day.

Well I could write more but I’m tired. Will try to keep this thing updated.

Link of the Day: Derrick Comedy. These guys are pretty good. The fat guy in the bro rape video had me cracking up.

11 thoughts on “Sorry.”


  2. Oh, my, god….. I just can’t think of anything to say to all that…except $20 on black…spinnnnn…red…sorry. I sure had fun with that game though. Sat there for 4 or 5 hours playing roulette, started with $40 and left with $50. My money lasted me a lot longer there than at the slot machines. Later, love ya! Mom

  3. Nobody cares if you posted in awhile. You live a non existant life and want people to feel sorry for you. You act like an ex gf of mine. Stop being a worthless bum and do something in your life. And start by doing your damn dishes.

  4. Ironic is also like:

    Being 98 winning the lottery and dying the next day or
    a black fly in your chardonnay, a death row pardon two minutes too late or my favorite meeting the man of your dreams and then meeting his beautiful wife

    And isn’t it ironic???? Don’t you think??

  5. Hey…where you at? Haven’t heard anything from you since October 8th…kind of miss the complaining (LOL).

  6. god i hate football aircraft the huskers got into a fight on the aircraft just befor they left for home….broke some shit on the plane gooooo big red

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