Still got no terlet.

One free internets to the person who can correctly tell me what I was referring to when I said the word “terlet”.

Tomorrow will be day nine with no toilet. At this point I’ve gone from patience to frustration to rage and now I’ve just thrown my hands up in bewilderment. “Hopefully” there will be someone coming out today to take care of it but they were supposed to getting in contact with my landlord to arrange payment and I’ve heard nothing about that yet for sure. The landlord basically said to go ahead and find someone and have them get in contact with him, oh and also basically gave us our notice that they will be ending the lease when it’s up in two months. At least he said that we didn’t have to pay our rent at all next month in lieu of getting our deposit back so that’s good if it comes to that, I hate knitpicking about what damage was caused and how much deposit we get back with landlords. I checked into seeing if they would be interested in continuing on a month to month basis as allowed for in the lease so we don’t have to move but I don’t know if that will happen. We keep getting notices from the bank left on the door so they might just planning a strategic foreclosure just to be rid of the house completely since they were trying to sell it when we rented it and are at this point probably sick of dealing with renters. If that’s the case then we will be moving again which sucks ass, mostly because there is now twice as much crap to move since I’m living with Jessica.

I’m at work right now on my normal day off. Doesn’t even seem like you had a day off at all when you get off work one morning and go back the night of the next day. Oh well, I need money for bills bills bills. Car taxes and tuition this time. Life will be a lot better when I get that car paid off and finish school.

I was having some withdrawals from facebook for a couple days, like a lot of people I was in the habit of constantly checking it to see if there was anything new. Completely unnecessary, and I am feeling less and less of an urge for the voyeurism that makes it so addicting as each day goes by.

I have to reapply myself in the half marathon training. I was doing well but I’m having trouble keeping up with it when it’s so damn hot outside. I made the mistake of doing a five miler around town last week and Jess was worried that I wouldn’t make it home because I passed out from heat stroke. She was almost right. Got a 5k to run this upcoming Sunday here at the airport so we will see how that goes. I won’t be all that fast, just like normal. On the plus side I’ve dropped below 190 pounds and lost two inches off my waist. Another 10 pounds and I will have lost the 20 pounds I was going for and maybe feel a little less bloated and sluggish.

I’m looking into changing the servers that this website runs on. The problem is that I’m stuck in a 5 year old hosting plan which means 4 gigs storage and 4 gigs of transfer which was a lot in 2005 but is now kind of limiting. For the same price I can now get unlimited storage and unlimited transfer on a better, more reliable host which will make it a lot easier to post more pictures that I’ve taken with the new camera. I’ve got a lot of pictures that I haven’t posted because they would use too much space on my current setup. Oh and no mother you won’t lose your website when I change servers. Only the background stuff behind the scenes will change and if all goes well you won’t even be able to tell anything is different.

That’s all the news that’s fit for print for today.

2 thoughts on “Still got no terlet.”

  1. I KNOW…I KNOW…Archie Bunker…I want my free internet now please! ha (and thanks for thinking of me and my website which I hardly use anymore because of facebook, ha again).

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