Stupid goddamn taxes!

Well I just got done doing my taxes and of course I owe money on the federal part AGAIN. I got some back on the state part though. Add them together and subtract the $10 electronic filing fee for the state and you come up with a grand total of… $42. Sonofa bitch… I remember back in the day I used to get refunds. Everyone around me talks about their hefty refund checks. Thousands of dollars worth. This makes me so mad because they take so much already before I even see it. So far this month 26.45% of the money that I have spent has gone for taxes of one kind or another. Considerably ahead of the 19.64% for rent and my rent isn’t cheap. This is bullshit. I think I am going to change my W-4 to like 12 dependents and get all that money in my check instead. Then I can dump all that money that I am loaning the government for free into a mutual fund and get something out of it. If I took all the money that I paid in for federal and state taxes and put it in the fund my 401k is mostly invested in I would have made about $365 on it. I could then take the money out of the fund and pay those sonofabitches their money on April 15th and come out ahead. Then those assholes would get me for the capital gains tax on the $365 in profit. Fucking government.

I had class today. Another quiz. I think I did ok on this one. I wasn’t so sure on the last one but I ended up getting a 97% on it. I still didn’t ask that girl to lunch. Why? Because I think too much. I try to do it at the right moment (which of course is never right enough) and never end up doing it at all. Today I was determined to do it whether the moment was right or not and of course she wasn’t there today. She probably dropped the class because she isn’t doing well, never to be seen again. That is a recurring theme in my life I suppose.

Theres some trouble at work. Someone didn’t disconnect a link on the nose gear when we did a hangar dump on Sunday and something might have broke because of it. I really can’t remember any specifics about the whole incident. All I remember is that we moved a bunch of airplanes at about 6 on Sunday and that’s about it. I could have connected the bar, towed the plane, both, or neither. I really can’t remember. It was just a swarm of people scurrying around. I stopped in at work to get my pay stub and W-2 today and asked about it and the gist that I got was that they looked at the security cameras and think that paint shop hooked up the bar and I towed it, but that was just second hand talk. The person hooking up the bar is supposed to disconnect the link but the person towing should check it before they tow which doesn’t always happen. Not just with me but with the majority of people who tow. A lot of times you just pull in with the tug, they connect you and you push it out assuming they did what they were supposed to. I don’t think I will assume anything anymore. I’ll have to take a quick look just to cover my own ass from now on.
Ben from work invited me over to his house tonight. He is having one of his poker parties again. Appearently I am now welcome to party with the clic. They have a lot of little groups that work there that don’t like each other that much. I try not to get into that shit. One person may not like another that much but that doesn’t mean I have to choose a side and not like them too. There is really only 1 or 2 people that I don’t like there but hell, I’m not in the minority. EVERYONE that works there hates them. Chuck reads this sometimes. I bet he can guess who they are.

Gabe invited me to something tonight. A party or something. He told me about it a week ago or so and said he will call me. Whether he does or not is the question. If it sounds like fun I will leave Ben’s thing and go do that. If I’m having fun where I’m at I won’t. Either way I can’t really drink. Damn weekend shift.

Link of the day: Duck Hunt 1945 sweeet.

8 thoughts on “Stupid goddamn taxes!”

  1. Hey, ask the “girl” if you can study together, its a thought, if she is having trouble with the course, maybe you can help each other. Can’t hurt to try.

    CYA is a good idea. Only takes a second to do that. later Love ya GMW

  2. I can’t ask her anything if she dropped out of the class grandma. Hell what I would like to know is if she is even single in the first place. I already thought of the studying thing. That would come with any natural progression if there is a natural progression.

  3. You may want to check your W-4 (the witholding paperwork) that you filled out when you first started there. I think if you claim 1 (yourself), they hold enough from your check to get you a refund each year, where if you claim zero they don’t withold enough. Someone may correct me if I’m wrong… I’ve never had to pay them any money. Of course, the house makes for a huge interest write-off, but I’m selling this bastard. Anyways – I’d check the W-4 and make sure it’s got the right deduction set. :-)

  4. I claim 2 already so that should be enough. I don’t have any big write offs like a house anymore though. I think I am going to go change my W-4 so I dont get any taxes taken out and just invest it. I talked to a friend of mine who has been doing that for years and makes 500 or 600 a year from it. He said the only thing with that is when something like September 11th happens and the market dumps you have to be able to come up with the money out of your pocket when you lose money on your investments.

  5. The more you claim the less they take out. You should claim 0 or 1 for it to work out properly. The investing thing sounds like a good idea, but I know I’d never actually do it…its like the tax return itself, I always plan to pay down credit cards with the cash, but I end up blowing it on random crap I didn’t need.

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