
Hey neat, someone else but me posted something on here. Thanks Jason. I really wish it would happen a lot more to tell you the truth. Keeping this thing updated with fresh material is pretty tough sometimes. Especially when I don’t really have any fresh material. Not to mention the fact that I am getting carpel tunnel in my hands from these online classes and all the papers I have to write. I usually just put off doing it until when I finally do out comes a freakin 10 page term paper.

Not much new with me really. Concordia University is offering an accelerated bachelors degree program that is going to be taught at the engine shop on the other side of the airport. It would cost me about $11,300 to get my degree in Organizational Management, it starts in January, takes 18 months to complete and its one class at a time one day a week for 4 hours. I don’t know what Organizational Management is to tell you the truth. I do know that Concordia University is a Jesus college and they are expensive if you go to their actual campus. Hell pretty expensive off campus too, $300 a credit hour. That $11,300 price tag is after my work kicks in 5 grand. I don’t really know what I am going to do about that but I need to figure it out real soon. I don’t really have much desire right now to do it to tell you the truth. What the hell is the point of it? So I can get an office job which I hate making less money than I do now? Or staying at Duncan Aviation using my newfound organizational management skills in deciding which plane I will pump gas into next? I really don’t feel like dumping all my free money into paying for it either. I don’t want to go into debt to finance it, I like having no debt. I like it a lot. But I suppose it’s one of those things where I would be investing in future earning power. Shit. I wont need that edjamacation when I win the lottery on Saturday anyway. Then instead of being that weird guy who stays in the basement all the time and never goes anywhere I can be that eccentric guy who stays in the basement of his mansion all the time and never goes anywhere. Theres a big difference there. Oh and also I will go to Vegas and ask the concierge for a mason jar full of toenails just because I can.

I found out today for sure what shift I will be getting next when I go to graves. I was worried I was going to be getting Jordan’s weekend shift because he is due to come off of graves first. Happily I will be getting Lloyd’s shift which is Sun-Thur 10-6 and Hoop is going to Jordan’s shift. Hoop doesn’t seem to care, he says he never does anything outside of work anyway. Plus he is just biding his time until his girlfriend gets her PhD in psychology and then they’re movin on up, to the east side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky. Movin on up, to the east side. Finally got a piece of the pie. Fish don’t fry in the kitchen; Beans don’t burn on the grill. Took a whole lotta tryin’ just to get up that hill. Now we’re up in the big leagues, Gettin’ our turn at bat. As long as we live, it’s you and me baby. There ain’t nothin wrong with that. Well we’re movin on up, to the east side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky. Movin on up, to the east side. We finally got a piece of the pie.…. Wait… what? Sorry got distracted there. Anyway that sounds like a great plan to me. Sizzors? (inside joke)

Well its officially Thanksgiving right now. I’m not doing anything with the family at all this year. Conflicting work schedules. I will swing by Kasey’s parents house before work and get some grub. They like me for some reason. Then off to work for a day of watching movies at triple pay. Hooray! Friday triple pay again but there will be work to do because of the Nebraska Colorado game. At least Silverhawk is finally getting the goddamn football charter and we don’t have to do it for the first time this year. Hooray again!

3 thoughts on “Sweet.”

  1. Steve I hope you do good in your classes!!! You deserve your degree and you have been busting your ass in getting it I do know that. I feel like a dirt bag friend because I have not been keeping up with your progress and I wish you well through these holidays…. I know you will complete your goals just stay strong and do it to it brotha!!!! Peace!!!

  2. Ah triple pay. I’m working right now. I mean I’m attending work and screwing around on the world wide web. Not quite at triple pay but it’s double anyway. I’ll be thinking about you while I’m drinking a beer and cussing callahan for not putting the scruds in to get them some good play time cause we’ll be beating the crap out of colorado while your at work. Wow, holy run on sentence. No actually I’ll probably be cussing because callahan won’t leave the starters in and run the score up on the buffs. I guess I have mixed emotions. Now I’m rambling. Have fun working. Line guys everywhere feel your pain. jayballs out

  3. You know I love when the whitest of white guys from Arkansas says shit like “just stay strong and do it to it brotha!!!! Peace!!!” Good stuff. How’s the wife and kids Jason? You still in Charleston I assume?

    Jayballs I don’t feel sorry for you because you’re only getting double pay. I figured it up and I’m only making a couple bucks more than you per hour today. So f off diggity.

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