Take me out to the ball game.

Went to a free Saltdogs game this evening. It was some kind of employee get together morale booster type of thing for work. It was pretty fun I suppose, I caught a foul ball. Well I didn’t really catch it, it was more like I wasn’t paying attention to the game and everyone yelled heads up and it was like 6 feet away from me flying at 120 miles an hour for the split second that I saw it before it slammed into the empty seat beside me and then fell to the ground. Last time I got a ball during a game it was at a Husker game when I got an extra point ball. I was then promptly thrown out and almost got arrested for not returning said ball. Hey if they wanted the ball back then they need to raise the net up instead of kicking it into the crowd. Anyway the Saltdogs won the game, I don’t recall by how much.

I don’t really have a whole lot else to talk about for today. I’ll just do the stream of consciousness thing for this last paragraph. I redid the new computer for the final time and have got it all dialed in the way I want it. I like it quite a bit, it just takes some getting used to is all, you know, all that “making the switch” bullcrap. I need to get on the ball and start running again, it’s almost been a month. I lost the willpower when it started getting hot outside. I hate the heat with a passion, but I do have a treadmill so I have no excuse. Football season is starting up soon. My classes at Peru St. start late next month. Beard season starts at the end of next month as well. Everything happening at the same time… neato! What the hell is beard season? Well some guys at work are all going to grow some huge winter beards this year starting on September 1st and running until April 1st. I doubt everyone will make it that long but it is just something to do for stupid fun. Maybe I will try taking a picture of it every day since the new computer has a good built in camera. That’ll make it easy. I’m pretty sure I will be one of the last ones standing since everyone else has wives that will nag them into submission. Lloyd will probably make it too, he did a good one last year but he started it too late in the season. Hmm what else? I’m in an adventure mood. I think I’m going to get a motorcycle and do some traveling on it. Not this year though. I think I’ll get a brand new Kawasaki KLR650 next year and load it up and go on a road trip across the country with it. Then maybe the “epic” journey up to Alaska or something the year after that if I still know anyone that is still living there. I doubt any of it will happen but it’s nice to think about when I’m in the mood for adventure. I’ve been watching the series Long Way Round, Long Way Down, and Race to Dakar to see some of the adventure that I’ve not been experiencing in my own life. Ooh if Duncan ever gets around to building in Provo I can go ride Moab too. That would be fun. Well that’s all I’ve got for today, I need to get to bed so I can go to work at 2 tomorrow for Ed. He went to Vegas this weekend so I traded some hours with him so he could have it off. I hate being there in the daytime, it’s too hot. Oh well, I’ll throw on my Walter Matthau grumpy old men hat and hope it isn’t too busy.

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