I bombed.

Well I had my final in Microbiology today. I completely bombed it. Started out by doing the ones that I was sure of the answer. 25 out of 140 questions later I was left with the ones that I was pretty sure it was between a couple choices. Well there’s 40 out of 140. Then it was down to a choice between 3 answers… 50 out of 140 answered. Now it was down to the ones that I knew I read about but all the answers looked like they could be right. Hmmm how many questions are left? About 90… Shit. I’m just hoping I did better than the odds of 20-25% that you would get picking random answers on those. So as of now I really don’t know if I passed the class. Up until today I was pretty sure I would but now I’m not sure. Oh well the grade will be posted on the net in a few days. Either way I’m not taking it again. Now I have a about a month with no class that I will enjoy a lot.

I bought the books for next quarter. I got smart this time and got the ISBN numbers for the books I needed and went on the net for them. Got everything I need for about $45 instead of the $150 the bookstore wanted. Plus I already had the book I need for intermediate algebra class from when I took “dummy algebra” during the Winter quarter. I’ll sell them back to the school instead on the net and end up getting about $75 back for the books I just paid $45 for today. This pleases me a lot more than the $93 I got back for the books that I spent $315 for for this last quarter.Sorry about the boring post today. I’ll have more time to do something interesting to write about now that I dont have class for a month. Don’t get your hopes up for something interesting out of me though.

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