Texas won, school sucks, WAR!, Top 25!

Well just got done watching the national championship game and Texas won. I’m so glad because I was so sick of hearing about how good USC is. At least it was a Big 12 team that won it. Vince Young had an awesome game. He says he’s not going pro next year but I really hope he does or else he is going to slaughter us next year. Matt Leinhart and Reggie Bush from USC will be gone next year when we play them so we might have a chance when we play them.

I start class on Friday. It sucks. I feel like a kid whose summer vacation is ending. $95 for a used book is such bullshit. I think I can use it for 2 classes though, I will have to check on that though. With my luck though they will go to a new book next quarter so I won’t be able to sell my old one back and will have to buy a brand new book for $135.

Me and the dog are at war. He has been being bad and destroying things and pissing in the house so he has been spending his time in the kennel when I’m not home. He really really doesn’t like that so he is being as much of a pain in the ass as he possibly could be. I didn’t think that he could make such a damn mess from inside a cage but he did. He threw up around the entire perimeter of the cage, shredded the blanket to nothing but 50 million puffs of cotton and fabric, dragged a shirt off the floor into the cage and shredded that, and somehow bent some of the bars of the cage. While I was cleaning all that up he went and took a dump in the living room. I think if a dog is able to come up with a plan, his is to make it too much of a pain in the ass to put him in there so I just give up. He seems to be smart enough to purposely do things to get back at me when he is mad at me like jumping on the arm of the couch, looking right into my eyes and pissing on it. This isn’t the first time I have had behavior problems with him but it’s been a quite a while. I was actually thinking he was pretty much over that because he is getting older but I guess not. I think I am finally going to take him in and get him fixed. Maybe that will calm him down a little bit. I should have done that years ago.

Well the Huskers are finally back in the top 25 in both the coaches and AP polls. First time since the end of the season in 03′. RESTORE THE ORDER! gooooooooooo biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig reeeeeeeeeeed…. GO BIG RED! I’m already ready for the spring game. 4 and a half months or so to wait…

1 thought on “Texas won, school sucks, WAR!, Top 25!”

  1. Yup, I guess that’s all you can do to get the final word…cut off his balls (that will really piss him off LOL).

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