That’s the Goody

Greetings All. I’ve been mulling over what I wanted to write for this post, it being Christmas and all. This time last year was the beginning of a new chapter in my life and Christmas Eve was when the page was turned, or the double pink line showed up. Everyone has memorable times in their lives and Christmas 2010 will be bookmarked in mine. Naturally I’m looking forward to this holiday season as well, especially because this Christmas morning I will be with my hubby and my smiley boy. As my Dad would say, “That’s the goody.”

So, what is the goody? The goody is the sweet moments you remember when you look back through the years, the ones you carry close to your heart. It was the choice between chili or oyster stew. It was that yearly “Are there innards in it?” question about the stuffing. It’s the homemade chex mix, the stockings grandma made, the carols once sung by our fireplace. All little goodies from Christmas past.

I remember when I was in high school I worked at the then called, Ben Franklin’s as a cashier. The store always got in poinsettia plants for the holiday season. One season I noticed there was some nectar seeping out of the flowers and I decided to taste it, cause I was curious. It was so sweet and I was quite shocked at that, so I went around tasting all of the poinsettias and after getting violently ill after said tasting, I understood why they are classified as toxic. Goody none the less.

I also remember ripping open a present once when I was in sixth or seventh grade. I don’t remember what the present was, but I remember the box. My mom had put the present in a plain label box that was the size of a Cornflakes box only it was white and written on it in black bold letters was KOTEX. I was mortified and she was in hysterics. Goody for sure.

I’m excited to start traditions with my little family. This year we will go to Steve’s folks on Christmas. And plans with my folks are a bit up in the air, we will have to work on this. I dream of Christmas future, in our own house, where the choice between oyster stew and chili survives, where the kid’s table is alive and well, and the stuffing is giblet free. I can’t wait for more goody in life and I wish the same for you all as well.

Have a Very Merry Christmas All!

6 thoughts on “That’s the Goody”

  1. Oh Jess, those precious memories.
    Now that I’m an empty nester, with the only nearby child having to work both Christmas Eve & Christmas day, we experience what many are feeling; not only empty nesters but those who are feeling alone, even if they are around others.

    Missing those memories as a child and then as a parent of a small child. Family gatherings, traditional foods, church. I will make the oyster stew & the chili, but I sure miss being with my whole family, the excitement of seeing each other and their kids, singing the carols together, the joking around. I’ve gone through my pictures and my videos. I even had a big neighborhood party which was great. But what you speak of–what is yours to come–you are so wise to look forward to it! With our job as entertainers at retirement communities I sometimes feel like Scrooge when he sees the future–it’s not the Christmas most of us want…
    I’ve been wanting to express myself somehow, I hope it was ok to do it here. I’m still going to have a nice Christmas with Terry..maybe a night walk!!
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts–you & Steve are so good at it. ENJOY being with your family and take lots of those pictures to treasure!!
    Love you!!

  2. Feel free to express yourself here anytime Kim, and anyone else for that matter! I know you can see sometimes the bleak side of aging in your line of work, but I also have so much respect for what you both do for our elders. My Grandma made no bones about just how difficult getting old was along with a few choice words of her own. Indeed it can be very lonely for many people, especially this time of year. Thank goodness for our memories and good entertainment. Have a special little Christmas the two of you, your family loves you dearly.

  3. You mention the choice of oyster stew or chili…Bill and I were just saying this morning that this will probably be the last year we make a really big meal for Christmas and were thinking that we would do chili and oyster stew next year. We love having everyone here on Christmas, but making that big meal is almost too much work anymore. So everyone better enjoy it tomorrow lol! I’m looking forward to those special mashed potatoes of yours too! Anyway, gotta go back to the prep work for tomorrows festivities…see you tomorrow! Love ya!

  4. Dang…you nailed it! We seem to be working on xmas traditions of our own in Pennsylvania. The tradition would be…who catches the Christmas Crud so that one adult and the sickly child needs to stay home and miss the fun? Could it possibly be the state that we live in:)? We are trying something new next year… We are getting on a plane come hell or highwater or croup?!? What do you think? Love you dearly and can’t even express how much I miss you.

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