The boy.

Sorry about the lack of posts lately, the boy has been running us ragged and we haven’t been up to all that much since the birth. He is growing so fast it is ridiculous, he is practically a different kid than we brought home a month and a half ago. At 6 weeks he is almost too big for 3 month clothes and fits pretty good into 6 month old clothes. He doesn’t do all that much yet other than grunt, cry, eat and poop but he is starting to do some stuff like watch you and follow you around the room with his head and eyes, smile and respond when you are interacting with him and trying to lift himself up so he can move (unsuccessfully). Getting better at holding himself up but his neck isn’t quite strong enough to hold his pumpkin head steady. Gotta be careful because he’s pretty quick to flop all his head weight to one side or another like he’s trying to leap off you. Haven’t dropped him yet or anything but it’s only a matter of time I guess. I got him a lion costume for Halloween, didn’t put a whole lot of thought into the whole process, I was just at the store at 5 am getting some medicine for Jessica because she wasn’t feeling that well and I picked the coolest one they had that would fit him. Wish we could find a way to get all his cousins together to take a picture in their costumes, I still haven’t seen my new nephew Cam yet. Plus we haven’t gotten him down to meet my grandma and grandpa yet either. Don’t know if any of that will happen anytime soon though, might have to wait for Christmas. Wish we lived closer to family for stuff like that. We will probably put his lion costume on and take him around Roca trick or treating even though he has no idea what is going on and he can’t eat the candy.

What else is new… I’m working… and working and working. I think I’ve got one day off in the next 3 weeks. Lots of things to pay and I am also trying to put together a down payment on a house so we don’t have to rent anymore. We will probably need twenty five to thirty thousand for down payment and closing costs and that will take at least another year if I kill myself working and we don’t spend much. I want to get settled in someplace with good schools while interest rates and home prices are still low and it’s a buyers market. It won’t be in Lincoln, maybe someplace in the area where we are now so he can go to Norris Schools or we are also considering Waverly which also has a small town feel and good schools but is close to Lincoln and Omaha. I want to be settled in someplace before Xan gets very old and stay there for a while so he can make friends and not be uprooted.

I just finished another class, Organizational Leadership. Got another A (barely) and I have a week off before going full time for a couple months. That was the last of my required classes and now I just need four more of whatever before I can graduate in May, hopefully with highest honors if I can get all A’s in the final four classes. I wasn’t planning on going full time but at the last minute I signed up for another class just because I need the credits and don’t want to take them all during the last semester. More money out of our pocket that I really hadn’t planned for. It’s funny, when I was younger a thousand dollars was a fortune but now that I’m older I blow through much more than that in a week paying hospital bills, tuition, rent, and everything else. Speaking of hospital bills, did you know that it costs more than twenty grand to have a baby? I’m glad we have good insurance because I am lucky enough to have a decent job, and I’m thankful for what the people at the hospital did for us but I don’t think that it was worth the wages of someone working a $10.50 an hour job for an entire year. I still think the health care system is completely broken and you can only get the care you need if you are one of the fortunate ones.

I’ve gained most of my weight back that I lost a while back. I stopped watching what I was eating and went back to all my bad eating habits and filled up my five pound bag with ten pounds of shit. I also stopped working out because of the baby stuff so I feel all bloated again. Gotta get back to it I guess. Too bad that it’s getting cold again so there’s going to be another 5 months of crap weather.

Any glasses wearers out there besides me who want prescription sunglasses? I did but they cost a fortune in the store so I never ended up buying them and instead complained about how bright it was outside all the time. I came across a place online called Zenni Optical where I got a pair of prescription aviator sunglasses with anti-glare coating and they only cost me twenty two bucks total and that includes shipping. I guess they make them in China and ship them over so it takes about 3 weeks from when you order them to get them but I am very happy with them and they work great. I’m sure since they are from China they are coated with lead, radioactive waste, AIDS or something else that is real bad but ignorance is bliss. They look like regular sunglasses you would get anywhere else. For the price you wouldn’t even get super upset if you lost or broke them either. Throwing a plug out there for all the other cheap asses like myself.

That’s all I’ve got for now, probably won’t get a whole lot of people reading this since the Facebook update broke my syndication app and not as many people see the updates now. I’m this close to deleting my Facebook account completely. I don’t think it would bother me a bit. When I deleted my MySpace account I clicked OK and never thought about it again. I’ve uploaded some recent pictures of the boy for anyone who wants to see him and also a few videos below the fold.

1 thought on “The boy.”

  1. OMG I miss him SO MUCH!!! These videos make me want to just reach into the video and hug him and cuddle him and kiss him (and the baby too LOL). And Steve must be re-living a day in the grocery store where he cried for candy and he got taken out to the car lol. We will be there soon to visit, but not sure of the exact day yet…will let you know. I love you guys! See you soon…

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