The home stretch AND Las Vegas part 1.

Well we are finally getting to the home stretch of this overwhelmingly busy time with the holidays, the trip, getting married, and moving. My vacation is over, and school has started again. We are so freaking tired and just want everything to settle down and get back to normal. The movers are coming on Wednesday to move all of our heavy stuff because, quite frankly… I’m a pansy and I don’t wanna. We haven’t been making great progress on getting stuff ready to go, we seem to go in fits and spurts, only making real progress when confronted with a deadline, like when I got all the outside stuff moved to the new place before it snowed. I spent a good amount of energy yesterday scooping the driveways and sidewalks of 2 houses instead of packing which destroyed my shoulder again. Oh well, we need to get it opened up at both places so the movers can come. I kinda feel sorry for them because it is going to be ridiculously cold on Wednesday, with a high of 6 degrees or so. Stupid snow and cold… I wanted to be all moved months ago.

I suppose I should write a more detailed post about the Vegas trip since it’s probably the most exciting thing that we have done in a while. I am totally built for married life with children since I am probably one of the most boring people on earth… Anyway we went a day early to Jessica’s parents house on Harlan County Reservoir to do a late Christmas with them and to take the dog for them to watch while we were gone (the dog is still there, he’s basically been kidnapped). Jessica wanted them to be the first to know that we were going to get married and that she was pregnant. She got it all on video and the reaction was pretty good. The video of that is more private so I won’t post it without permission, plus it’s too big needs to be edited down anyway. Let’s just say there was a lot of dumbstruck faces and bawling. Right after that I called my parents and told them, I would have preferred it to be in person but I am a man after all so I deferred the mushy, in person stuff to my now wife. Everyone seemed happy by the news, everyone in my family seems to like Jessica because she compliments my “wet mop” personality in a positive manner.

Monday morning we took off in the car for the Grand Island Airport. I thought it was a lot closer than it was to Jessica’s parent’s house, it was a two hour drive to get there, and then a two hour wait until our flight. Ed and Shellie got there a little late and were stuck in the lines to check in and go through security while we got through in plenty of time. We ended up getting some nice exit row seats and I was able to stretch out for the trip. I really don’t like flying all that much to tell you the truth. Every time we land I feel like the wingtip is going to hit the ground and the plane is going to cartwheel down the runway in a fireball of an explosion. It didn’t happen though and after taking a shuttle and a train through the various parts of the airport to get out we got to our rental car and were off. For the distance you had to go to get out of the airport it was surprisingly easy to get to where you needed to go. It’s a hell of a lot more substantial than the podunk terminal here in Lincoln.

That’s it for part one, I will continue the story with relevant video at a later date. (I don’t have all the videos uploaded yet anyway). I’ve got a ton of schoolwork that I need to be doing anyway. I’ve got a heavier course load this semester so I really need to stay focused. See ya around!

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