Time to post.

Well I need to put something new up here just so this doesn’t go stagnant. I’m about to kill some dogs here. I’m watching Katie’s dogs for the weekend since she and Kasey went to visit his brother in who knows where. She’g got a lassa opso and a basset hound. The opso isn’t so bad its the frigging basset hound. Barks constantly. I was seriously going to shoot it last night. Theres a reason that it was at the humane society Katie. I have yet to personaly see a humane society dog that was worth a damn.

Yesterday at work kind of sucked a little becuase of the rain and wind. Nothing that awful or anything, it’s just kind of a pain to get anything done with a 40mph wind whipping by. At least it didn’t rain all day. I am not the “new” new guy anymore out there. They hired somebody new and he was in yesterday. The guy is a freakin huge. I guess he was a football player at Wesylyian or something. I still have the same body as I did 12 years ago. Lanky and uncoordinated looking. Oh well fat chicks like it.

Check out those guns!

Speaking of guns, I have an appointment set up next week with the fitness guy at work. They will set up a training plan for you based on your goals and stuff. I don’t want to get all huge and stuff. Maybe a little bigger, but mostly more cut. I mostly just want to have energy again like I did when I was younger. I would also like to strengthen my back a little where I messed up the disk in that car accident a few years ago. It still hurts a lot of the time when I put direct straight down pressure on my spine. I really don’t feel like getting surgery on it. I don’t have much more to say right now. I’m going to turn up the internet radio and get some packing going for my move since I went and got some boxes from Ronnie the other day. I also need a haircut today.

1 thought on “Time to post.”

  1. WOW!!! Aren’t you BUFF!!! Hard to believe that I had something to do with producing such a fine specimin!!! Look out…the women will be lining up at the pool just to get a look at your six pack…just make it a good beer…LOL!

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