Tomorrow at noon.

Well the interview it tomorrow at noon. I think I have a pretty good shot at getting the job but who knows who else is applying. I really hope I get it. It would be nice to work someplace where there is oppourtunity for advancement, good pay, good benefits etc. Duncan Aviation was on Fortune Magazine’s top 100 companies in America to work for so that sounds pretty good. I know where I am at now is sure as hell not on any list of places to work for. Maybe on the list for drug users who need a job since they don’t piss test. Thats all I have for now. Gotta get my interview clothes ready for tomorrow.

P.S. Changed the caricature back to color since mom liked it better. I don’t know personally. I think it clashes and doesn’t fit right. Maybe if I took more time to colorize it and blend it better I would like it more.

2 thoughts on “Tomorrow at noon.”

  1. Yup, it looks nicer in color, although you could use a little lightening of the skin tone, you almost look too tan…unless you’ve been doint time in the tanning booth lately LOL. Oh yeah, by the way, thanks for valuing my opinion! That made my day! Anyway, later…love ya!

  2. Yea I thought it looked too dark too but it was a quick and dirty Photoshop. I will mess with it more later when I have more time. I still like the other one better actually. Maybe I will just make something totally new for that little logo area. I don’t know what I would go with yet. I will look around at some things.

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