Training? Pssshhhhhhawww….

I’m running the Lincoln Half Marathon tomorrow. I would say that I have done about 10% of the training that I was supposed to do for it because of an ankle injury. Do you think that will be a problem? Nah, I’m sure it won’t be. Actually, it’s going to hurt like a sonofabitch and I won’t be doing all that much running, more like an uglier, slower version of the shufflerun that I normally do, with some fastwalking thrown in for good measure. I’ve gotten in a whole 8 miles of training in the last 2 weeks and then nothing for about 2 months before that and then another 21 miles of training way back in January and February. Long story short, I’m completely unprepared but I’m going to do it anyway instead of skipping it because if the only goal is to finish before the cutoff then anyone can do a half marathon even without one step of training, you just… walk… and walk and walk and walk and around 4 hours later you’ve finished. I’m already having trouble with my ankle again though, not as bad as before but still annoying because it takes the enjoyment out of it and you can’t get in the zone. I need to find some way to stay in shape that doesn’t break my body down so much. HERE is a link to track my progress (or lack therof) during the race. First time they have had that, pretty neat.

I’m going to spill the beans on the baby’s name since it doesn’t look like Jessica is ever going to do it. It’s going to be Steven Alexander Korgie. I wanted an official Junior but Mike informed me that you had to give the whole name to do that and I didn’t want the middle name to be Paul so I guess it will be an unofficial Junior and I will be an unofficial Senior (you are still encouraged to call me Senior). He will go by his middle name or a shortened version of it in day to day life, Alex or Xander or Zander or Awesome X. Not Al though, you can’t trust those Al’s, shady characters…

2 thoughts on “Training? Pssshhhhhhawww….”

  1. How about Lex? lol probably not, that reminds me of the old Superman movie with Lex Luthor. Actually Alexander was one of the names we considered naming you when I was pregnant with you (nice choice), although his initials would be SAK…how am I going to get a nice “grandma’s nickname” out of that? (without putting your mind down in the gutter that is…) lol I’m sure I’ll think of something.

    Anyway, good luck in your marathon tomorrow and I hope your ankle doesn’t go out…make sure you have your cellphone with you just in case you have to call Jess for a ride home (lol just kidding) love ya! Maybe you should get back on your bicycle, it doesn’t hurt so much.

    OK, I’ve gotta go…stuff to do and people to see don’cha know…lol yeah right. Basically I’m just surfing and looking out the window… hug Jess and the baby for me, love you guys! Bye for now.

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