Training Starts Now…ok nnnnnnow, no NOW!

Greetings All. Well, Christmas is over and Steve and I had a very nice holiday. We enjoyed spending time with his side of the family. It is so nice to know that Alexander has family close to his age, it will make family get togethers all the more interesting. The biggest surprise we received was Alexander sleeping through the night. It was bitter sweet really. I knew sleeping through was going to come sooner or later, but I admit I found a peace in nursing him in the wee hours of the night. Of course I didn’t sleep…I’m programmed to be up at midnight and at three in the morning. So, I just snuck upstairs to check and make sure he was still alive, he was, so that’s good. He’s been sleeping through since and what’s really odd is now that I am getting more sleep, I feel more tired, oh well.

So, the New Year is upon us. I don’t do resolutions. Why start off a new year with a whopper of a lie? However, I do have high hopes for some specific things. The biggest hope is finding our house. I am seriously ignorant to the whole house gig. My sister sent me a link to information about buying a house in Nebraska, legal stuff…and I do believe I need a translator to put into lingo I understand, draw a map, dot to dot… So, fellow readers, there is something to look forward to reading about.

Another goal I have is to get all trained up for the Lincoln Half Marathon in May. If you were thinking of running and haven’t signed up yet, too late…10,000 people right lefting huffing puffing all the way to Memorial Stadium have signed up and the race is full. Now, if I inadvertently drop the extra 28 pounds to get back to pre-regnancy weight I will be one happy momma. I think I’m the only person I know who came out of the hospital weighing more AFTER leaving the hospital than going into the hospital to have a baby. I was pumped up with so much fluid when I was in the hospital it was amazing I didn’t drown. When I came home with Alexander and stood on the scale for the first time and saw I was 205 pounds I was dumb struck. This whole pounds melting off if your breast feeding is complete horse shit, at least in my case. I’ve gotten down to 168 and haven’t budged in weeks.

I believe I’ll be blogging about training quite a bit as well. To help hold myself accountable for what I say. Steve has my training schedule all printed up and I started a couple of days ago. I’m also watching my calories by using I’m not being stringent on the calorie cut back, simply because I am still nursing and I don’t want to dry up yet. My goal in nursing is to make it at least until six months.

I can thank Steve for getting me into running. By running I’ve gotten back into listening and seeking out new music. I used to be quite the music hound. Probably a lot of you didn’t know I DJ’d in college, was even music director for a while. I abused my music directorship though, I got a lot of free stuff (that is very understated) and schmoozed the label reps, which in turn,long story short, got me to Nashville playing in a band. So, I’d like to share songs that have made it to my running play list. For those of you that do know my history of musical taste, will probably laugh at what is indeed playing on my ipod, but I challenge you, add these songs to your list and try running to them, and then make fun of me later….

What is strange is that most of my songs I have right now on my running playlist I found within the last couple years and a good chunk of them I now hear as music beds on MANY commercials…what does THAT mean? Either I’m super cool and have the ear for great indie or I’m super lame and have turned into a commercial music lover…NOOOOOO! I guess you all be the judge. Be kind though, I’m fragile, ha.

There are more goals to be had – keeping Alexander alive and happy, watching him learn and grow, impossibly loving him. Building memory goodies with Steve and with our family and friends.

Back to music for a second. Here is a song that I found a couple years ago, maybe it is a song everyone knows, but it was new to me, as it is with all the songs I found so far…I had and still have a lot of catch up to do. Anyway, this running tune I really loved listening to not only running but when I was pregnant, it gave me a sense of giddy. Now I listen to it and it makes me nostalgic and giddy when I’m in the right mood. I found it on You Tube, this was the first time I actually saw the video, I preferred to just run to it…

Click on to listen –
Lykke Li – Dance Dance Dance

Happy New Year All!

3 thoughts on “Training Starts Now…ok nnnnnnow, no NOW!”

  1. hahah ooohhh jess, i could have told you about the nonweight loss of boobyfeeding… it happend to me too… ever since i have had vaughn, i have stayed at the stubborn 25 lbs more then my prepreg weight.. no matter what i do, diet, or eat, or not eat, or exercise here or there, it wont go up nor down. so dont feel bad. it may just mean that your body is gonna stay this way for awhile and your gonna have to kill urself exercising.. oooo boy!! lol just be happy u have a growing healthy boy.. dont think of anything else!

  2. I know, I know….but I’m stubborn. As far as self image goes, I’d feel a lot better if I could just get into my fat jeans that actually button. I can pull them on but the prospect of buttoning them is so far away, it’s all part of the joy of mommyhood…. I’ve read that for some, once bfing is done the weight will come off, so perhaps that’s what is in the cards for both of us. But let’s face it Eve, your looking pretty good if you indeed are carrying an extra 25! What were you, anorexic before, ha.

  3. Music. And you went to Nashville??? WHAT?? Please do share more on that…I cannot picture you a cowgirl.

    I got a new headphone set for Christmas that only plays radio—MY request. Now I listen to the “oldies” station, but strangely, they are playing MY music, from the 70s! (Why?!!) Whatever, it’s awesome fast walking music & I’m happy getting out there every day, working myself back into being fit.

    Enjoy your transition, and yeah for signing up for the half Marathon!

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