
Well I got all the rest of the passport stuff taken care of today. The total for the passport was over $150 bucks since I had to pay to expedite it so I would get it in time. Yesterday it would have gotten here September 17th and today they say the 22nd (maybe). Since the trip is for September 24th to October 3rd I figured I better pay the extra money so I wouldn’t be waiting by the mailbox on the day we are supposed to leave freaking out. Mom wanted to know when and where we are going. I just told you the when. Here’s the where. We are going to fly into London England and get a car to rent and split the cost of that. We are going to spend a couple days there, go down to Paris for a couple days, then over to some city in Germany (can’t remember which one) for Oktoberfest for another couple days there. From there we are going to go up to Amsterdam in the Netherlands for a day or so and then back to London (through Belgium I suppose) for the flight back. I am going with my roomate Kasey and his brother. A guy I knew in the air force is going to meet us in London and so is another guy who is in Iraq right now. There will be 5 of us in all on the trip. The plane ticket is about $550, better than it was last time I looked. Thats about all I have for now, I need to get going and take a shower so I can go to class. PS, mom can you guys watch the dog while I’m gone? If not, thats cool.

1 thought on “Trip”

  1. Hey psycho, calling me at like O dark thirty in the morning drunk off your bum. Anyways, I was working. Changed shifts and I’m working with Josh now. ok, well not much to say. Later

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