Two months? Psshhaaww.

Time really flies I guess because it’s been over two months since I’ve written anything substantial on here. It’s not like I don’t have anything to write about, well maybe that’s not true since I’ve become one of those people who does nothing except write about the baby… it would help if we did something away from the baby I suppose. We actually did go see a show for Valentines day, went to Larry Miller’s one man show at the Lied Center. He isn’t really a household name but you would recognize him if you saw him, he’s been in a lot of stuff, just in more of a supporting role. It was ok I guess, a little disjointed in some areas but it was funny enough. We also spent the night in Omaha last month for our anniversary. Went out and had sushi… well Jessica had sushi and I had a steak and we went and looked at some art. Spent the night in a hotel and swam a little in the hotel pool. Nothing all that crazy, we are pretty boring anymore. When we were young we wouldn’t leave the house until ten or eleven at night to go out and now we are in bed by nine because we are tired.

I volunteered last week at the homeless shelter with a group from my work, that was interesting. For the most part I took popcorn out of big bags and put it in small bags for use in sack lunches later and then cleaned up after everyone was done eating. Others served food. I feel sorry for all the children that were there and feel sorry for most of the people there in general. I’ve had some bad times myself and know how down it can make you and how hopeless you feel, how it seems like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, but I wasn’t even close to the situation most of these people were in. I’ve been thinking about volunteering for the Lincoln Action Program in the computer classes. Tough to do though because it’s hard enough to get my stuff together to get the stuff done that I need done in my own life.

Still in school, will be graduating very soon in early May… finally! Just turned in a research paper and I need to take a final and a couple more quizzes and I will be done with this class. I’m really smoking this one, not really putting in all that much effort at all and I’ve got a 102% right now. I won’t after the research paper is graded though, I kinda half assed that some. In a couple weeks I start my last class… History of Rock! Pretty pointless but all I need is 3 more credits so I took something that might be fun. and if I can get an A on that too then I will graduate with highest honors. It will probably be harder than hell and I will hate every second of it and end up with a C or something. That would be just my luck.

I’m training for the full marathon in May, well trying to train anyway. The snow on the ground is really sapping my mental energy and it’s hard to get motivated. I’m having to break up my training into smaller chunks to get through it on the treadmill. I’ve been propping the computer up and watching netflix while I run and that helps take away some of the monotony of running on the hamster wheel. I’m doing a half marathon in about a month or so in Lincoln. It’s a trail marathon and I’ve never done one of those so it should be fun.

Jessica is going back to work earlier than normal at the end of March instead of the end of May. I guess they had a bunch of money left over from her budget from last year when she went on maternity leave so they are going to use it up this year since it’s the 150th anniversary of the homestead act and they are going to be busy. That got our butts in gear to find some daycare for Xan (meaning her butt since I didn’t do anything) and we might have found a pretty good one that won’t make us pay for the whole week. I will be watching him for 3 days a week and she will watch him for 2 and he will go to daycare for 2 so I can get some sleep and not die. It still won’t be fun because I’ll be having to switch back and forth all the time staying up for 24-30 hours at a time multiple times per week. Oh well you gotta do what you gotta do.

Would you look at that? I hardly talked about the baby at all! I guess I do have a life! I still need to do another conglomerated post that catches up on all the pictures and video that people like to look at but I’ll save that for another time.

2 thoughts on “Two months? Psshhaaww.”

  1. Nice update! You are so much more disciplined than you think with all you have going on. And I’m so proud of you for the volunteer work!! It does so much good for so many; and it really does make you appreciate what you have so much more. Some people think they have it so bad, but they would realize how lucky they are if they only tried to help someone ELSE!

    Good luck with the sitter; I hope X loves her!

  2. Hope the day care works out OK. It is kind of scary to leave him with someone, but would guess he will be loved there too. He is such a sweet heart. GMW

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