Typical consumer.

I guess you can call me a typical American consumer, buying things that cost too much to do things that are unnecessary and unneeded. I doubt anyone in this country could make it through a real depression like they did in the thirties without food stamps, unemployment and welfare to carry people through the hard times. I have no idea why i went on that tangent, just a thought i guess. Anyway what I’m talking about is that I went and bought an iPad. One of the good ones too, we’ll semi good since I did try to save some money on it by buying a refurbed model that was just discontinued in December. It’s still overpriced and completely unnecessary but I’ve been wanting one for years and its been a while since I went and got a new toy to play with. So far I’m pretty impressed with it, I switched over to macs years ago because I just got tired of all the crap that goes along with windows and I’ve always been pretty impressed with how well Apple stuff just seems to work and integrates stuff that isn’t so great and makes it work better too.

So far I’m pretty impressed with the iPad with the stuff I’ve been able to do with it so far. I’m working on importing over 8,000 books into it (gotta convert them from the kindle format to ePub first, I’ve got about 1,200 done so far) and I’m extremely impressed with the ebook reader part of it, quite frankly it’s a spectacular experience compared to the kindle that I already have. I’m also pretty big into reading news feeds using google reader and I was pretty disappointed that google hasn’t made a native app for iOS because they are in direct competition with apple with their android operating system for phones and tablets. Since there isn’t a native app I found another one that takes my news feeds and turns them into a seamless magazine like experience which is really different from what I’m used to but I really like it a lot. It’s smooth as silk and there’s no stuttering like its bogged down or anything like that. It’s not like its completely great or anything, there are its issues that I need to resolve. The main thing is that apple really restricts the things that you can put on there by only allowing approved programs to be installed. I suppose that there is a price to pay for having something that runs so smoothly but I don’t like that things that I really find useful like ad blocking programs or BitTorrent programs aren’t allowed. The solution is to jailbreak it I guess so i can load whatever i want on there, but I went and had to upgrade to the newest version of iOS which doesn’t appear to be unlockable yet. Oh we’ll all in good time I guess, if you lock something down there will always be someone who can figure out how to unlock it. I suppose that that’s all for today, I know that this post is terribly uninteresting to most people but I just wanted to write something about my new toy, writing it on the slick blog app for the iPad no less. I’ll work on getting some actual news up, maybe some new videos of the childrens as well.

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