Uh Goo

Greetings all. I’ve been asked several times if Alexander is a “good” baby. That question always gives me pause because I don’t know for sure. I don’t know any other babies well enough to give a confident answer. But, I think he leans more to the good baby side. We’ve lucked out so far because he hasn’t gotten sick or had any issues with eating. Sleeping is a work in progress, but I think he does well during the night. He is now getting a three to maybe four hour stint during the night which is nice, but is every two hours most of the time. He’s seven in a half weeks old today.

Alexander is smiling and has a little giggle that’s like a baby Nelson of the Simpsons. He has spoken his first baby word as well, Uh Goo. It’s just too cute. I caught him saying it on video, it’s the first clip on here. There is a little surprise at the end, too. The second video is just him squirming basically.

I have finally started taking him out and about a little. I’m gaining confidence in that arena. We’ve been to a couple of supermarkets in which he aptly crapped as soon as we got there and had a couple of melt downs – but I handled them bravely. I’d see mothers with three little ones in tow and I can’t imagine what THAT would be like. The friends I have with three little ones make it look so easy and I think they are superheros. The ones with more than three kids…I’ll just say, holy moly. There is something to be said about having kids at a younger age, that’s for sure. But, no way, no how, was I even remotely ready to bear young in my twenties. As many of you know I had kind of a wild ride in life and didn’t really calm down until I moved back a few years ago. If I had a kid then, the sorted tales I tell now would never have happened.

The recoup on my body is still a work in progress, and I’m not even talking this time about the weight. My guts are all discombobulated. My midwife said it could take around six months for my inside to get back to the way it should be. These are things I didn’t account for. Who thinks about that stuff? No one apparently, because I was never forewarned…hey, your kidneys might be up by your throat for a while…well, it’s not that bad but every time I lay on a side I feel pain by squishing one with my rib cage or pelvic bone or both I’m not sure. Getting out of bed or standing up from the floor or bending over to pick up baby, makes me feel old. I hope this indeed is a phase of recovery. I know I’m getting older, but I’m relatively fit…I thought.

Almost two months in, vaccinations are coming up and I am terrified…you should see the list of stuff they want to inject into my little baby – FOUR shots and each shot has more than one vaccine plus an oral one. I’m not sure I can go through with him getting all of those in one sitting. I might delay a couple, I need to do some more research. Anyone have advice out there?

Otherwise, Steve and I and Alexander are rolling along, figuring things out as we go. A new wild ride for me and I love it.
Uh Goo.

2 thoughts on “Uh Goo”

  1. I got to hear him say “A-Goo” when I saw him in person, and the videos are sure cute! And Jess, my advice to you would be to just get his shots on schedule (don’t delay any of them). The only trouble my boys had getting theirs as babies was some crankiness and a little fever (and tylenol takes care of that just fine). If you delay any of the shots, he’ll just have to get them anyway before he goes to school (if he’s not current on his shots, they won’t let him in school). I really enjoyed seeing the baby (and both of you too) on Tuesday. I wish I could have stayed longer (doctor appt took way longer than I thought it would). I was lucky to have not seen any deer on the drive home (I was worried). Anyway, when you get a picture of Alexander in his Halloween costume, make sure to post it ok? He’s going to look so cute as a little lion! OK, I’ll talk to you later, and we’ll come and visit again soon when we can stay longer. Love you guys! Bye for now.

  2. Very sweet story & video: I LOVED seeing and hearing him say Ah-Goo…my Mom was so good at talking with the babies, and those were always her words.

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