Uhh, hi.

Well it’s about 12:30 in the morning and I’m at work. Notice I didn’t say I was working, just at work. I’ve got the front desk this week which isn’t bad but it kind of sucks because you can’t really get up and move around much. God forbid some mechanic’s wife is unable to get through and get her husband paged for the 10th time.

I’m pretty sore because I bought a bike last night and was riding it around today. I am horribly out of shape. I was thinking about driving it to work when it warms up but it looks like a real bitch just to find a route to get there from my house because of the way the interstate runs. Maybe the route won’t seem so bad when I am in a little better shape, but today when I was scouting it out it sucked.

Found out the other day that Joanie got 3 years probation for her little meth fiasco. Seems like a pretty weak sentence to me. This is why I’m in favor of building more prisons. Take the money spent on the roads and build prisons. Then have the prisoners work on the roads during the day. Then maybe I wouldn’t have to wait 2 years for a 2 mile stretch of interstate between my house and work to get done only to be all bumpy and potholed and worse than before 6 months later.

6 thoughts on “Uhh, hi.”

  1. “Oh, Sorry that this is the tenth time that I’ve called in tonight, but can you page my husband again, I just can’t seem to do a damn thing without talking to him first. And why doesn’t he answer all the time. You work at the front desk, don’t you know everything.”
    NO LADY!!!! AND WE DON’T GIVE A SHIT WHO YOUR HUSBAND IS!!!!! STOP CALLING SO I CAN GO BACK TO SLEEP!!!! I would also like to add that I too will soon be in the Meth business. Apparently Meth isn’t really a big deal these days. I mean 3 yrs …… PROBATION!

  2. Take heart–this is just the first time she got caught, trust me she will be busted again, as I am sure she didn’t reform overnight. With any luck at all, she will break probation and end up serving time.

  3. hell i don’t even like talking to my wife why the fuck would anyone want to page her…..maybe the pizza guy

  4. Hey, where are ya? Are you coming for Easter in a couple weeks? It’s on April 8th. We’ll probably just go out to eat or something. I have vacation coming up starting on the 2nd (yay!). OK bye.

  5. I think the prisoners should have to work for their keep too, they can fix the potholes, grow their food, walk homeless dogs, work on peoples taxes, babysit for welfare Moms so they can go find jobs, repair the schools, (maybe even do play ground supervision, AHHH!) do nasty crap to keep them staying OUT of jail. Just a thought…

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