Unchained melody.

I’m kind of sick. Kinda but not terribly bad. Yet. Let’s hope it stays that way because being sick sucks.

I’m really starting to think about how great it would be to move to another part of the country. If I could have a stable job lined up then it would be easy, but if it was easy then nobody would live in cold ass Nebraska.

Saturday Jessica and I went to a couple’s night pottery class thing. I thought that we were going to make our own pots or bowls or whatever on that spinnie thing but it turned out that it was just decorating freshly made plates that the teacher made the day before. They were still kind of soft and you could carve them or add stuff to them and color them with this paint stuff that wasn’t paint. It still turned out to be pretty fun, a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Jessica and I decided to paint each other on our plates, a portrait kind of thing. The final product looks like us only in a way that you would say “oh yea, that is a picture of a guy”, but other than that they didn’t look all that much like us. On the back of mine I wrote “To Jessica, love Patrick Swayze (Road House version)”. She wrote “To Steve, love Demi” on hers. On the picture I did of her I wrote “Steve fan club” on her shirt. Good time, I would go do something similar again. We will get the plates back in a week or so after they glaze them and fire them in the kiln.


Last week while I was at work I had an awesome message on the voicemail after I went to the crapper. At first it started out pretty normal, sounded like a guy who was trying to find work. Nothing unusual there, but then it got weird.

I talked to him 3 times when he kept calling back, each time forgetting that he already called because he was so high. He thought he was calling Continental Airlines. These are the kind of people that I deal with in the middle of the night. Awesome.

I finally got the parts in to fix my ipod video yesterday. I used it all the time and it really sucked to be without it. I had a nano that I was using but it was getting old not having all my stuff on there. Anyway, instead of buying a brand new one for about the same cost I got a new battery, a click wheel from a white ipod (my ipod is black), and a 240 gig replacement hard drive and now I’ve got an ipod that holds 80 gigs more than even the newest one you can get and it’s got a unique look to it. I’m happy with the results even though it was a lot harder to get it all fixed and back together than I thought it would be because all the parts are so freakin’ small. I’m happy about all the new space because I had used all of the 80 gigs I had before. I could have spent the money on more useful things but screw it.

1 thought on “Unchained melody.”

  1. I keep forgetting how much fun it is having a computer geek for a son, but now at least you’re having a little artsy-fartsy fun with your wonderful lady! Love ya!

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