Ups and downs.

I attended the funeral this morning for Ed and Shellie’s 19 year old daughter. Very, very sad day. I’m not that great with these kinds of situations and all I can say is my condolences to Ed and Shellie for their loss. She left behind two very young children so if anyone feels like doing their good deed for the day even if you don’t know them consider giving a little to “Felicia’s Children’s Educational Fund” c/o Pinnacle Bank in Lincoln (other cities too I’m sure, I don’t know how that all works exactly). It’s good karma.

I ended up getting a 102% for a final grade in that Organizational Behavior class. Next one starts on Monday. I’m on the 7 year track for my bachelors degree so maybe someday it will be all worthwhile. Someday…

My limited dating life has hit the shitter again. Nothing all that new there I guess. It’s amazing how things can go from bleh kinda shitty, to everything is pretty damn good, and right back to bleh kinda shitty again in no time at all. Oh well, such is life. If you never had the crappy times then the good times wouldn’t seem all that great would they? I just wish the good times would come around more often is all. Anyone know any single, semi attractive, non drama personality women who would be interested in a responsible, nice, tall guy (who may also be a little boring sometimes)? Yea me neither.

Jason sucks. (I only say that because he’s working with me tonight and he wants me to write something about him, he really doesn’t suck… he blows.)

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