Vegas Baby….VEGAS!!!!!!!!

I’ve been wanting to go someplace for quite a while and I was looking around on the internet and decided to try Las Vegas. I’m not a gambler at all but I’ve never been to Vegas and I thought it would be fun to check out. Allegiant Airlines flies MD-80’s out of Grand Island a couple times a week on direct flights there and I was looking through their package deals and they aren’t all that bad. Round trip airfare, hotel room at the Flamingo, and a rental car for 4 days for about $350 a person. I figure we can go see Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon while we are there as well, maybe go and see the “keep out or we will kill you” signs on the roads that go to Area 51 (I don’t know how far away that stuff is, looks close on a map), go see some shows and attractions, whatever… it really doesn’t matter you know? Anyway, we are shooting for a January trip, I would like to go earlier but I want to be all settled into the new house and have that all taken care of and have the holiday season over with before blowing a wad of money on something else. Jessica and I are going to go with Ed and Shellie. Ed goes quite a bit and knows his way around like the back of his hand and knows what’s good and what isn’t. I know it like the back of my head however and I will be the only one in the group who hasn’t been to Vegas yet, how did I get so deprived? We aren’t going to spend the whole trip together, we are going to do our own thing and they will do theirs and meet up at strategic times for dinner or shows or whatever. Ed said he would kick in for some of the rental car cost so they don’t get socked with the huge cab fare prices on some of the stuff they want to do. I’m excited! Just having something to look forward to makes the day to day doldrums of being an “adult” not seem so life sucking.

Eventually what I would like to do is go on several trips a year. One big one to another country, a smaller one similar to the Vegas trip and maybe some other weekender car trips for a 3 day weekend type of thing spread out throughout the year. They say that if you want happiness you should spend your money on experiences rather than things because it gives you lasting memories. I think that is pretty true, when I have made some expensive purchase the initial high only lasts a very short time before it’s gone and all you have left over is some stuff you don’t want and never needed in the first place.

This has nothing to do with anything, I just thought this video is awesome, it must have taken forever to make. Plus I’ve gotten some compliments on my emerging beard in the last couple days.

2 thoughts on “Vegas Baby….VEGAS!!!!!!!!”

  1. Hey, I want to go too! I’ve never been to Vegas either, and that sounds like the trip your dad is always talking about (but we never do it because he hurts too much and wouldn’t be able to do anymore :-( ), but I’m happy for you and you have fun and take lots of pictures. January wouldn’t be much good to see the grand canyon though, everything is pretty much closed for the off season…anyway, have fun!

  2. I wanted to go sooner than that but it just wouldn’t work out so we will have to do what we can. We can still go to the edge and look at it, the stupid tourist stuff will be closed but the canyon isn’t, how can you close a hole in the ground?

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