Videopalooza: First Blood Part II

A baby videopalooza sequel coming at you! Jessica sure takes a lot of video that I never get around to uploading until there is an overwhelming number of them doesn’t she? Anyway for anyone who wants to see some baby video, take a look below the fold, if not… it’s best you move along, nothing to see here.

2 thoughts on “Videopalooza: First Blood Part II”

  1. Wow, that’s a lot of videos! And you know I watched every one of them all the way through! I really liked the one where he’s laughing, but couldn’t see much of anything (too dark). The one closer to the end was easier to see (and made me laugh too). That pretty much took care of my baby fix for the day haha! I can’t wait until I can get there again to see him (and you guys too lol). Bye for now, love you guys!

  2. Oh, he likes sweet potatoes!! Takes after Great grandma there–grin. Sure love seeing all the video’s. He is one lucky little boy to have you guys as his parents. Love ya GMW

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