Wait… it’s a holiday?

That’s what I said yesterday after I went to the post office to get the mail and it was locked up. Then I had to ask if it was a holiday for me too or just for banks and the DMV. Hmm just for banks. Figures. I guess that would explain why there was a show on Christopher Columbus on the History Channel instead of friggin’ Swamp People or Ice Road Truckers or Extreme Ditch Diggers or whatever miserable job that they decided to have a camera crew follow around this week instead of having shows about… history. WHERE CAN I GO TO ESCAPE REALITY TELEVISION? Anyway, it’s not like I get any holidays off, even for the good ones. I could take them off if I wanted to but then they would need to replace me anyway with someone else and I would lose out on a metric butt ton of easy cash in the process.

Jessica’s mom came and stayed the night the other day. I didn’t see her all that much because of my sleep schedule. I got up Saturday afternoon after she was already there and we went out to eat at a Greek place and then watched a movie. Then like usual everyone went to bed and I sat around the rest of the night awake by myself. At least there was a late West Coast football game on until pretty late. Towards morning I went to bed and soon after everyone else got up and went shopping and she was on her way back home before I got up again. I sure wish everyone’s families all lived in the same town and everyone could just stop by whenever they felt like it. Everyone lives so far away now that it’s just a huge pain in the ass to get to the same place at the same time. It seems like you have to kill a whole day or two just for a short visit. It’s even more difficult now since it’s not just my family that’s far away, it’s Jessica’s too, and she wants me to go there for the traditional family get together times.

I’ve got my final this week on Thursday. I have no idea how I’ll do on that. There’s no way to study for it really. It covers all fifteen chapters that we read. It is open book but so were the quizzes and I only averaged about a 75% on those and even failed a couple. How did I do that? Well all the questions needed pretty deep understanding of the material and I had a lot of trouble understanding a lot of the material. I did well on most of the other assignments so as of now I still have a low A. I still have a final project to finish by Friday that I am kind of stalled on. I should just get it done but I ran out of “give a shit”. I’ll gain some inspiration and knock it out once the due date gets closer. I’ve done the calculations and if I’m lucky and the professor is feeling generous on his grading I will finish the class with an A. If not I will finish with a B+. The professor is very crafty and made both the project and final worth enough points that I need to actually do them AND try to do well on them. In some classes they give you an insanely long and difficult final project but then only give it enough points so that if you do it you finish with… an A. If you don’t do it, you finish with… an A? or at worst a B+.

I think I might attend a satellite Rally to Restore Sanity / March to Keep Fear Alive in Omaha on the 30th. I would like to go to the one in Washington DC but there is just no way I can justify that amount of money to get there. Damn living in the boonies with no airport hub in the immediate vicinity! Anyway it’s a rally for all the reasonable people who are tired of all the yelling and bullshit from people on each side and want people to work together to make things actually work instead of striving for gridlock. I’m tired of the zero sum game that politics has become where anything that one side gets is viewed as a loss for the other and no one can work towards making this country a better place and instead spend their time in a pissing match calling each other names. I’ve been drawn into these violent political arguments myself recently and it’s pretty damn stupid and unproductive. I’m about as liberal as they come on many issues, and conservative on others. I am in no way a “Socialist” though, and people that are more conservative aren’t “Fascist” or any other names that either sides call each other to make it us versus them. They are just people who have different opinions is all and that is just fine. Most of the time we are more similar than we are different. There are people who I liked a lot and liked me a lot in the past but the relationship has probably been permanently damaged because we had to start arguing like this and things got out of hand. We are the same people that liked each other previously with the same opinions that we have always had but I think we took a cue from the national discourse and it went too far. Enough is enough. It’s time for everyone to grow up and stop acting like spoiled children and it has to start somewhere. If I go I’ll need a sign. You can’t go to a rally without a sign… Maybe I’ll go with… I DISAGREE WITH YOUR OPINION, BUT YOU DO BRING UP SOME VALID ARGUMENTS!

Another trip? Whaaaaaa? Yea I am looking into another trip for next year, probably in May at the end of the Spring semester before Jessica goes back on full time again. What kind of trip? A cruise baby! A cruise to Mexico! I’m looking at a 5 dayer out of Galveston down to the Yucatan Peninsula, specifically Progreso and Cozumel. I chose that one because I could save some cash getting to the ship itself by driving there instead of flying since it costs a bunch to fly anywhere from Nebraska. It would only cost $150 in gas to get us both down there and back instead of $750 roundtrip for airfare. 15 hours in a car instead of 6 hours in airports. That’s an ok trade off I think. I still don’t have it set in stone yet, I’m kind of getting jerked around a little bit on price. Yea… I’m not paying a bunch extra for a porthole, I’m not going to spend the trip looking out the porthole, if I want to see the water I can do it when we are taking our turn with the rest of the tourists at the front of the boat when we are getting our picture taken yelling, “I’m the king of the world!” just like every other moron on the boat. We’ll see how it goes.

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