
I dont know why I go to that stupid store. I hate it so much. Filled with the dregs of society. Illegal immigrants, trailer trash, cross dressers, people who are so fat and lazy that they use all the motorized carts so they dont have to walk under their own power. No service. The time before tonight that I went there I just dropped all the shit that I was going to purchace in the middle of the asile and left because I couldn’t bet an “associate” to come get me some fish out of the tank after waiting like 10 minutes. That’s it I’m boycotting that place again… after I pick up my film on Thursday.

Went out to Fat Nappy’s with Kasey and Gabe last night. Haven’t talked much with Kasey in the last month or so because we were fighting about something. I don’t even know about what now really. We are all made up now though. Spent more money than I wanted to which is nothing unusual I suppose. Got really drunk and made an ass out of my self as usual. I always get enamored with the real tall girls that are actually good looking. I believe I said something to the effect of “we should get married and our amazon childen will rule the world”. Why I said this I don’t know. That’s just what went through my head. Her response was “What the hell are you talking about?”. Kasey had my back though and smoothed it all over and did his thing while I stood there and swayed back and forth and added something incoherent every once and a while. I also went up to the guys I saw who were wearing pink shirts and made fun of them. I really shouldn’t do that, I am going to get hurt one of these days. Someone smoothed that over again too. I think this time it was Kasey. Last time we went out it was Gabe. I remember last time the guy came over and said “Are you saying my shirt is gay?” Gabe was like “no no no that’s not what he said”, and I broke in and said “Well, yea that’s pretty much the gist of what I said.” Nothing happened that time, we had them outnumbered so they left.

I talked to a guy I know from my old job at ScreecCo, Tyler. He is a graphic artist there. He said they are laying everyone off. My friend Ronnie who did the shipping and recieving got canned and Tyler is going to be doing the shipping and recieving just so he can keep his job. That sucks for Ronnie. I hope that place burns to the ground.

The bouncer at Nappy’s was some asshole football player, I believe it was Le Kevin Smith. At closing time he was strutting around yelling at everyone with a megaphone and slapped Kasey’s drink out of his hand. What a dick. If you’re going to be a prick you better be getting a better record than 5-6. I wanted to smash him in the face with a brick.

In the end I think I would be better off if I totally quit drinking and got on some mental medicine again. I’m out talk to you later.

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