Wanted: People to see and places to go

Greetings all. Natural disasters are topping headlines this morning. I haven’t watched any news reports yet, but I did read a couple one line facebook posts about it…call me caught up. Glad to be safe in the heartland, at least for now.

Last night a friend treated me to a show with Garrison Keillor. If you are not familiar with him the simplest way to describe him is a storyteller. He is also the man behind A Prairie Home Companion on NPR and an author. His voice is an instrument and his look, a train wreck but god is he good. He stood on stage, aged and not happy about it, greasy dark hair in need of a trim, baggy gray suit with a red tie and red suede sneakers reminiscent of the ones I wore in the late 70’s and bright red socks. Accompanying him on stage was a black stool and one lonely glass of water he never drank from for two and a half hours. The man tells stories about himself and his experiences and the people in his life, many stemming from Minnesota. You have to stay sharp because his voice lulls and hidden within his spoken word will eventually be a statement that strikes you as so true yet utterly hysterical. He finds beauty and humor even in his alcoholic Uncle. He is good, definitely not for everyone, but for me – a master of his trade.

I think I’ll be reflecting on this experience for some time, if anything because I haven’t done anything culturally stimulating for a long time. Steve and I need to get out more. We just have a hard time finding things to do and enjoy being home bodies. We would like to do stuff WITH people, but it seems through the years many of our friends have moved away and meeting people is hard.

I’ve lost my good first impression mojo too, which doesn’t help in meeting new people. I’ve been pretty spot on reading people and situations…it’s because of this intuition I’m probably still alive. So what I tell you is true and not overly sensitive. Lately, the strangers I used to feel so comfortable around, uninhibited, have turned on me. A case in point is I went to some environmental education classes up in Omaha a while back. Everyone in these classes were people I have lots in common with, professionally and most likely extracurricular as well. I sat next to my friend I went with and noticed that no one was sitting on the other side of me. I told my friend that no one wanted to sit next to me. She laughed and said I was being silly. Then a guy came and sat next to me and after a couple minutes actually gathered his stuff and moved. The seat remained empty the entire weekend of classes. Deep down I knew it finally happened, to the stranger, I am uninteresting. My friend shrugged her shoulders and conceded that I was spot on.

I think this is all because I’m out of practice, my husband included. We need to bolster up on our “Hello, my name is…” and find our people. I’m thinking that having a baby will be a good in. I’ve been trying to find family groups in Lincoln so we can go do stuff with new people – like go to the pumpkin patch or the zoo or hit the nature trails. There is a great group that I found that sounded perfect for us. A group that does family things, but also has gatherings and outings for just the moms, or just the dads or both. There wasn’t prior requisite either, like a religion or affiliation of some type to be a part of it. Just a group for parents that wanted to meet people and do stuff. I was thrilled to find it but failed to see from the beginning that it was in Lincoln, California.

I daydream that we should start a group like this, but the catch is we suck at meeting people. What to do? My sister and I were so lucky to have parents that had friends with great kids for us to grow up with. I want the same for my child. I want my child to be able to say, “We’ve been friends since we’ve been babies”, just like me. Like Garrison Keillor said, “It is best to keep your friends from the beginning, don’t lose them, because there will come a time when no one will want to be around you, but your oldest friends will, out of habit.”

2 thoughts on “Wanted: People to see and places to go”

  1. Loved your experience with Garrison Keiller; Terry is a huge fan.
    I always love your writings and want to respond to them though I don’t have anything to say since you always say it so well.
    I can totally relate to your feelings about making friends, and to me, yes, it is harder with age. That may be why people turn to Church; a Church family really is a supportive one and a place to meet good people. I’m sure once you have your babies, you & Cassie will have lots in common and will spend time together as parents.
    You are far from uninteresting!! Perhaps now that you are PG you are not putting out the same vibs as when you weren’t?? Maybe once you are showing you will be a magnet for other women who are preggers, and hence will meet your new friends that way.
    As for your heading, (WANTED)You guys are welcome to come see us anytime!! We are no longer on the coast and will have a guest room with your name on it. Take care my darling niece, and stay well.

  2. Your just too sweet Auntie Kim. Maybe I should enhance the belly now, stroll around a bit, see if I get any takers:) What do we do about Steve then, make him carry a diaper bag? You can count on us to come out there some day! That’s a promise!

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