Wasn’t it just hot?

Winter always sneaks up on me, it seems like one day I’m hiding in the house trying to avoid having to pick my sweaty underwear out of my crack because of the heat and humidity, and then it seems like a couple weeks later it’s freezing cold and dreary. I can’t believe how early it’s getting dark already, and it will be getting dark even earlier next week when daylight savings time ends. This is always a crappy time of year for someone who works overnights because it eventually gets to the point where I don’t see the sun for a couple months straight. Gotta keep active or irritability and depression come along quickly. We got the gym membership, all I have to do is actually use it, which I have a couple times but not as much as I should be. All I’ve learned by my visits so far is that I’m really out of shape, I feel like I’m really out of shape no matter what I do though, maybe I need to do more of an overall workout regimen instead of just running.

Well Jessica is back from her parents where she went for a couple days. She took the baby with her so I got a couple days at home by myself with the animals which seemed to fly by in a flash because I slept in and did a good amount of shuffling around not doing anything productive. Pretty much what I did when I was single I guess. The dog actually took a liking to me again while Jessica was gone, she’s got him trained to hate me for some reason and he normally wants nothing to do with me anymore. He’s kind of an ingrate since I’ve somehow managed to keep him alive for 13 years when I’m sure all his litter mates are long dead (Jack Russell’s don’t typically live to old age, they typically die doing something dumb and impulsive).

I’ve been reading again, right now I’m working on the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. I’m on book number five of eight which were written from 1982 through completion this year. I know that I read one or two of them when I was a teenager but not in the correct order and I don’t really have any recollection of the ones that I already read back then. It’s not a typical Stephen King horror novel but instead is more of King’s attempt at the epic quest series, à la The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter or something like that, but not near as easily movieized (not a real word) as those ones were since it is kinda all over the map when it comes to the story. For instance the one I’m reading now he is telling a story where the characters are telling a story with the characters telling a story, with all the stories lasting the length of a smaller sized book with all kinds of different aspects from all of them joined together in one way or another even though they are from different timeframes or involving different people. Lots of layers, like an onion or something with things like wild west gunslingers mixed with King Arthur type stuff, set in the past, but actually the future with aspects of modern life all around, and things even more modern than modern life, but only after it has decayed for a thousand years after some sort of unexplained catastrophe, most likely global nuclear war. It would explain why after numerous attempts why they can’t seem to get anything together to actually make it into a series of films, since it just isn’t written for easy adaptation like something like Harry Potter was. Oh well, I still like the books and if they did make them into a movie they would ruin them just like they always do anyway. I can already tell because they had Russell Crowe slated to play the main character… blech. I wish I could just upload books into my head like they do in the Matrix because I’ve got thousands of them on my kindle with no hopes of ever finishing them all while I’m alive, there’s just not enough time.

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